Day 28-30: Audit Your Audit
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30 Days of Virgo Life Audit

Day 28-30: Audit Your Audit

Published: August 1, 2023
Originally recorded: September 3, 2022

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Lesson Description

Day 28: Audit Your Audit


Welcome to the 10th and final area of the 30 Days of Virgo Life Audit!

Let’s take a look at all the changes we’ve identified throughout this month:

Improving the relationship you have with yourself, your friends, and your partner, energizing your career, focusing on your mental and physical health, eradicating fears that are holding you back, and perfecting your morning routine, all while being happy, really happy.

Are you exhausted just thinking about it?!
Are you asking yourself:
How do I put all of this together?
How do I get all my changes and intentions into one cohesive plan that’s actually doable?
How do I integrate all of this change into my day?

That’s why our 10th and final area of focus is integration. It’s time to put it all together and take a holistic approach. All of this planning and self-assessment has been so powerful, but if we can’t execute or don’t manifest it… well, we don’t need to go there because you’ve got this!

Now is the time to audit your audit.

Specifically, look back at the action plans you’ve created for:

  • Optimal Health
  • Mental Well-being
  • Relationships
  • Self-parenting
  • Fear
  • Joy
  • Abundance
  • Work & Career
  • Mornings

How well do your action plans support each other?

Are they synergistic?

Are there ways to accomplish progress in two areas with only one thing on your to-do list?

As an example, if you want to work on your mental well-being by meditating, you can add a 5- minute meditation into your morning routine. One action checks two boxes.

If someone has a fear about declining health or vitality, they can add a 20-minute walk to their day, which could satisfy :

  • Fear
  • Optimal health
  • Mental well-being
  • Self-parenting
  • Joy (walking makes us happy!)

See what we’re doing here?

Once you’ve integrated your plans, now look to see if any plan conflicts with any other.

For instance, if you want quiet, introspective time in the morning, but you also want to work out for an hour first thing, but you also want to pack a nutritious lunch for your child/partner/self, and you want to confront a fear because the best time of day to do that is in the morning…

Unless you have more hours in your morning than I do, you see where I’m going!

Maybe one of your plans to be a better self-parent is to reward yourself, which is an idea I love. But maybe that morning reward coffee run is conflicting with your abundance plan to be more conscious about the way you spend…

There are no wrong answers, just choices!

Day 29: An Everyday Rebalancing Act

It’s the penultimate day of the 30 Days of Virgo Life Audit, and I’m already feeling a bit nostalgic!

As we work toward integrating our action plans into one manageable and successful whole-life plan, we have to talk about balance. And here’s the secret: Being in perfect balance at all times is a fairy tale. It doesn’t exist. It isn’t achievable.

There is no such thing as perfect balance.

There are only varying degrees of pretty-close and not-close-enough.

Seeking balance is something we do every day because every day is different. Some days your plans are going to fall to pieces. Oh well! That isn’t failure—that’s the messy process of life. Letting go of some things to focus on others is how you create balance for yourself that day. It’s not failure—it’s flexibility.

I often use the analogy of wanting to sit shotgun—everyone gets to sit in the front seat, just not at the same time. It’s a rotation, and some days a project with a tight deadline will be riding shotgun. On other days, you prioritize time for yourself. While it’s sometimes difficult to know when you’ve found a good balance or even what that might look like, it isn’t as hard to see where there’s an imbalance.

Imbalances show up in so many ways:

  • You’re exhausted because you’ve sacrificed sleep for productivity
  • You feel disconnected from your loved ones because you don’t spend enough time with them
  • You’re disorganized and scattered because your schedule is overbooked
  • You’re irritable and frustrated because you’ve lost your connection with your inner voice
  • You wake up unexcited about your day because you’ve prioritized everything else above your own needs

I could go on and on.

Now, take a look at your life audit plan—the big, cohesive, integrated one that you started working on yesterday.

  • What do you see when you look at it with an eye toward balance?
  • Did anything from the above list ring true? If so, do you already have a plan to bring that area of your life into better balance?
  • Is there any area in your plan that requires an outsized amount of time compared to other areas? And if so, is that in balance? (It very well might be!)

Being balanced doesn’t require that everything be equal. In fact, balance as a noun is defined as:

n. a condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions

I love this word because it’s also a verb.

v. to bring into harmony or proportion

To find a healthy balance (noun) in our lives, we have to constantly and consciously balance (verb) and rebalance. Life is one long balancing and rebalancing act. If you believe you are in perfect balance, give it 5 minutes!

This isn’t said to discourage you. To the contrary, keeping an awareness of where you feel balanced and where you don’t will help you fine-tune your life audit plan to prioritize where to focus your time and effort in the areas you need it most.

Day 30: It’s Your Life

It’s the last day!

I can’t believe we’re at the end of our 30-day challenge! I want to thank all of you who have joined me on this journey; you’ve given me so much inspiration along the way. And special thanks to those who posted comments and sent kind messages. I’m going to miss this!

Ok, I have a couple of questions for you:
1. Is your life audit action plan enjoyable? (Because it should be!)
2. Is every action and task in your plan something you could see yourself doing long-term?

I want you all to exit the audit being able to answer YES to both questions.

If you aren’t wholeheartedly ‘yes’ yet, bring your attention to how you feel after you’ve executed each action in your plan.

  • Do you feel accomplished/empowered/motivated?
  • Or did it leave you feeling resentful/weary/dreading the next time you have to do it?

This is so important because we will only consistently do what we find enjoyable (or what we deem absolutely necessary.)*

*Eradicating fears or facing a real fear are usually not the most enjoyable of experiences, so fear is the exception and falls under ‘absolutely necessary.’

Is there any part of your plan that you hate?
Why are you doing it?
Why do you hate it? Get curious; there’s information there for you.
What was the intention behind this task you’ve set for yourself that gives you no joy?
Is there a different way that will just as effectively move you towards your goal—one you will enjoy more?

I don’t believe in suffering. And I don’t want you to suffer, and your life audit plans should not make you suffer!

The process is the purpose.

Let’s unpack that. Your purpose is your goals and intentions. Your process is how you get to the fulfillment of your goals. Purpose is the day-to-day, the every day. Because in the end, your life will be defined not by your accomplishments but by the way you lived your life. Goals give you a direction, but the joy and fulfillment of life come from your journey. So make sure that you find your action plans purposeful, rewarding, and fulfilling.

And if they aren’t, change them.

I commend you all for the hard work you’ve done this month. This level of introspection is not easy, so you should all feel a great sense of accomplishment to have made it to the end.

This is your life. Make the most of it.

About This Course

One of the great gifts in studying Kabbalah is that we become more aware of the energies around us. Each day, week, and month has its own unique energy with differing powers that inform us. This month of Virgo is one of the most consequential months of the year, full of the energy of deep transformation. Over the next 30 days, we will assess, evaluate, and rethink 10 of the most important areas of your life. First, we will look at what is working and what isn’t working. I will help you identify your desire – the thing that you really want for that area of your life–not the thing you only think you want, or think you should want, or what others think you should want. From there, you will make your plan. You’ll make it actionable, doable, and motivating. I’m so excited and grateful that you are all joining me on this journey to rethink, reframe, recalibrate, and re-energize your life.

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