Daily Astrology Forecast for January 20-26, 2019
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Daily Astrology Forecast for January 20-26, 2019

Miriam Ashkenazi
January 20, 2019
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January 20

Show It Off!

Today presents a huge opportunity for things to be done on a grand scale. A full “super moon” in Leo and the Sun moving into Aquarius will expand and enlarge everything that we touch today!  Tonight, you will be able to notice the moon is exceptionally large in the sky, specifically in the regions of North and South America, Europe and Asia. With Leo and Aquarius taking center stage in the cosmos, all that we do will have the potential to be highly dramatic and over-the-top. Whether we are presenting an idea, or completing a project, or sharing something, it has the potential of being done so in a big way. With this inclination, let us be sure to act positively, bringing only Light and joy to the world. This cosmic alignment can also signify that something new is on the horizon. Be ready for anything today, with open arms, heart, and mind.

January 21 - Tu b'Shevat

Defying Our Limits

Today is a very special day on the Kabbalistic calendar. It is a day that epitomizes the Aquarian energy. It is the New Year of the plant kingdom and it is called Tu B' Shevat. This day provides us with assistance in going against the stream and against any limiting forces. Plants naturally do this in the way they grow against the strong force of gravity. Let’s learn from the Aquarians around us. Aquarians love to go against the stream. They have an innate desire to challenge authority, differ with the majority, and reject what is known and accepted. Aquarians have no problem going in the opposite direction of where others are going, or doing the opposite of they are being told. Today, let’s be honest with ourselves. If we know in our hearts we should be making a change, do so! Take a turn in direction even if it might upset people or go against the status quo. Take advantage of today’s energy, and defy any limiting forces and opinions. Push forward in any direction that we authentically feel is right. Be a rebel, but with a good cause. 

January 22

Stop and Go

Frustration can set in if we do not combat the challenging aspect of Mars and Saturn today. Mars and Saturn influence us in opposing ways when it comes to achieving goals. Mars encourages us to move and take action, while Saturn wants us to stop and think. This opposition, however, can be utilized in a powerful way we if engage in physical activities. Go for a run, practice martial arts, or engage in any exercise routine. If you find yourself not being able to move forward in a project, or if you are feeling impatient, recognize where it is coming from and shift your focus to another area that runs more smoothly. The planets impel us, but they do not compel us.

January 23

Hitting the Jack Pot

Today has potential to be great for finances and romance. I would like to remind everyone that the daily cosmic influences affect each of us differently. We should always take into consideration our own personal astrological chart and understand how cosmic events are influencing us as an individual. Seeking a Kabbalistic Astrologer can give essential insight into this. Venus and Jupiter are both in Sagittarius. This bestows luck and good fortune in our love and financial affairs. Any action or decision we make in these areas will have the “golden touch.” With Jupiter involved, though, we always need to be reminded to be cautious. Avoid taking extreme risks. If you see abundance coming your way, do not be tempted to abuse it nor waste it. Jupiter is the planet of expansion and miracles. Be open to allowing this positive consciousness into your life.

January 24

Know When to Hold Them

Mercury is entering into Aquarius today, and will reside there for the next three weeks. Communications can become challenging, especially when you need to negotiate. An Aquarian can be a genius and extremely creative on one hand, but on the other, they can be rigid and detached. If you are trying to teach or bring someone on board to a new idea, be aware of this dynamic. It just might be too much of a challenge to connect to someone on a personal level in order to reach them. On the other hand, there is potential to receive unique and creative ideas. Be willing to tune into the right channel in the cosmos. Take the time today to meditate. Open your mind and soul. Be open to hearing the wisdom from the Creator, sent to you so that you may reveal more Light and blessings into your life, others’ lives, and the world.

January 25

The Confidence Game

There are times when we feel full of confidence and clarity, and today has the potential to be one of them. Mars trine Jupiter, and they both create the wonderful inclination to feel relief, joy, energy, and confidence in all that we do and say. On the other hand, we need to make sure we keep our confidence in check. We do not want our ego to take over. Remind yourself that our abilities and skills are all gifts from the Creator. Repeat to yourself that you are just a channel for the Light of the Creator. By doing so, we are allowing for this flow of positive energy to continue in our lives. 

January 26 - Shabbat Yitro

We Do Not Know Everything

With the confidence boost that we get from the Jupiter and Mars trine, and having Mercury and the Sun in Aquarius, we might think, today, that all the answers are in our back pocket.  Being confident is great. It affords us with the courage to move forward and manifest things in our lives. At the same time, though, today’s energy can make us think we actually know it all. We may believe the illusion that our individual point of view is ultimate truth. Be careful to not force our opinions and beliefs on others, especially when giving advice or trying to help another. Remember that there is always part of the “big picture” of life that we cannot possibly see. 
