Astrology Forecast for June 16-22, 2024
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Astrology Forecast for June 16-22, 2024

Miriam Ashkenazi
June 16, 2024
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“If spirituality is to be defined by rising above physicality, then we must first learn to rise above ourselves. Spiritual work is about rising above selfishness, and choosing instead to be selfless. It is about rising above judgment, and choosing instead to be merciful. It is about climbing the ladder towards the best version of ourselves, elevating one rung at a time. The great gift of physicality is that it provides us with the means to do just that.”

– Karen Berg on the portion of Beha’alotcha

This week’s energy gives us all the power to rise above—that is, rise above selfishness, negative emotions, and challenges so we can overcome any obstacle or limitation. But remember: without negativity, without darkness, or struggle, there is no true revelation of Light. Without resistance, there isn’t a real opportunity for us to grow and evolve towards strength and our higher self.

The week is marked by three celestial bodies moving from the sign of Gemini into the sign of Cancer. On Monday, Mercury and Venus enter Cancer, and on Friday, the Sun joins them. This wave of change from air energy to water energy is also marked by a shift of ruling planets. The move from Gemini into Cancer also means moving from the influence of Mercury into the influence of the Moon. Mercury represents the head, logic, and external energy, while the Moon is what draws us back into the physical realm with all its gifts and limitations. The Moon represents emotion and our reactive system. This week, we are reminded to cultivate appreciation for our physical existence and limitations. As Karen Berg taught, the physical realm is the only realm that allows us to do our spiritual work, overcome, and rise above. This is an opportunity to transform darkness into Light.

As we embrace more Cancerian energy, be mindful of one of the more challenging aspects this week… from Tuesday until Thursday, the Sun (right before moving into Cancer) forms a challenging aspect with Neptune in Pisces. This presents an optical illusion. We can end up believing in some sort of illusionary reality, idea, or thought. Be mindful of this energy at this time, and make sure to give yourself a reality check. Pay attention so you do not fall into any scam or imbalanced ideas. Do not follow blindly after any random thing that presents itself in your life.

A great supportive element this week takes place on Wednesday and carries on until the end of the week. Mercury in Cancer forms a supportive aspect with Mars in Taurus. This energy encourages us to have solid common sense and encourages us to act slowly and surely without rushing into anything. Mercury in Cancer will lead to more intuitive thoughts and ideas, and Mars in Taurus will support us with acting on those thoughts and ideas with a more balanced, stable, and reasonable approach.

This week is all about tuning ourselves into the forces that are available to us, so we can align ourselves with the more powerful and positive cosmic opportunities and energies. Rise above all limitations!

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