Astrology Forecast for August 21-27, 2022
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Astrology Forecast for August 21-27, 2022

Miriam Ashkenazi
August 21, 2022
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“…We have to know that no matter where we have fallen, no matter what darkness we find ourselves in, we already have the power and ability within us to change it. Because from even the moment before we were created, the ability to change everything, the ability to cleanse everything, was put within us.” – Michael Berg on the portion of Re’eh

It’s all about change! One of the basic teachings of Kabbalah is the idea of transformation. In order to grow and evolve spiritually, we must change. We must be open to the idea of change and push ourselves proactively to change elements that block us from spiritual growth.

On Monday, the sun moves into the sign of Virgo, infusing this week with a new vibe that encourages us to work towards transformation. The new sign is all about rolling our sleeves up and not getting complacent or lazy. This is the dominant energy of this week, which will be a great support in the upcoming month, as well.

At the same time, Mercury creates a supporting aspect to Pluto on Monday, which allows fresh ideas to flow. We may feel inspired to change. Remember, we are stronger together; be open to advice or external support if needed.

The moon this week resides mostly in the signs of Cancer and Leo, building a beautiful connection throughout the week with many planets (Jupiter, Neptune, Uranus, and Mercury). This reminds us that we are not alone and allows us to feel trust in others and trust our own intuition and instincts.

However, as we know, nothing ever comes for free. Therefore, we are all required to pay attention to proactive transformation this week. Venus’ challenging aspect to Uranus and the North Node can trip us into giving too much importance to what others have to say. In our heads, we might be excited to take steps of change and transformation. But when we start to examine how others around us might feel about it, we could easily hesitate and turn back. Pay attention this week (especially in the second part of the week). Be aware if and when your desire to appear good and please others starts to take the lead. Don’t let that prevent you from following your heart and working towards what you really want to accomplish for your own freedom and self-expression.

READ: A Monthly Guide for Parents: Virgo 2022

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