Shlach Lecha: The Light is Our Strength

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Aula de Zohar com Eitan Yardeni

Shlach Lecha: The Light is Our Strength

Publicado: Junho 10, 2020
Originalmente gravado: Junho 9, 2020

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Destaques da Aula

    • Transitioning from our limited perception to our unlimited potential

    • Thinking of ourselves of unable or unworthy is what disconnect us from our true potential

    • The Light always provides us with the strength we want and need 

    • We have to maintain the consciousness that we can reach our next level of evolution, trusting that with the help of the Light our Soul prevails

    • Sometimes feeling unlimited it can also be the ego, the way to identify it is by noticing entitlement and thinking that we alone can reach our greatest potential

    • Begging the assistance of the true force that goes beyond ourselves, beyond our limited mind, which is yearning the help of the Light

    • A true vessel gives maximum effort while being humble, has certainty in the Light, and yearns with full heart the assistance of the Light

    • Reflecting on our lives: do we make the maximum effort to achieve a positive transformation? Are we aware that we alone cannot fully advance? Do we trust the Light completely that whatever happens is for our greatest good, and that the Light is the source of our strength? Do we ask for the intervention of the Light to help us move forward?

    • The holy covenant is the open heart

    • When the Light presents situations to us is because we can face them

    • Less effort more entitlement, more effort less complaining

Descrição da Aula

The portion Shlach Lecha guides us to reconnect to our true essence. In this lesson, we learn the importance of doing the maximum effort, having certainty in the Light, recognizing that the Light is the source of all goodness and strength, and begging the assistance of the Light because only through Its help we can achieve our greatest potential.

Sobre este Curso

Escrito há 2.000 anos atrás por Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, o Zohar explica todos os segredos da Bíblia, do Universo e de cada aspecto da vida. A Aula de Zohar é uma jornada semanal para compreender a energia e os desafios que enfrentaremos durante a semana e como podemos elevar nossa consciência para previnir que o caos ocorra em nossas vidas.

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