Tzav: Lifting the Weight Off Our Consciousness
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Shabbat Consciousness

Tzav: Lifting the Weight Off Our Consciousness

Pubblicato: Marzo 26, 2019
Registrato originalmente: Marzo 23, 2019

Mi piace 24 Commenti 2 Condividi

Punti salienti della Lezione

  • The source of the phrase “consciousness is everything”
  • Burning away our negative thoughts
  • The power of the Zohar
  • Lifting the weight off our consciousness
  • Teaching of Moshe Cordovero: throwing our sadness, worries, or anger into the fire
  • Elevating to the realm of joy
  • Awakening appreciation when we are in a dangerous situation


Descrizione della Lezione

Join Michael as he reveals how we can burn away any sadness, worries, anger or negative thoughts that keep our consciousness weighted down, and elevate to the realm of joy where the Light is always flowing.

Su questo Corso

When we get our energy from outside ourselves – money, respect, fame, relationships – we’re being nourished in a limited way. This week’s energy helps us to see and remove these tendencies. What’s the one thing you feel you cannot live without? Strive towards giving it up this week, in order to realize that the Light you seek from these things or people is actually within you.

Insegnanti del Corso

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