Team Family: Conception, Pregnancy, and Birth

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Parental Guidance

Team Family: Conception, Pregnancy, and Birth

Pubblicato: Dicembre 5, 2018
Registrato originalmente: Aprile 11, 2018

Mi piace 8 Commenti Condividi

Punti salienti della Lezione

  • Understanding the “team family“, and everyone's position in it
  • How to handle parental pressure and how we see our children
  • Is honoring our parents an old believe?
  • What are the responsibilities of a parent towards the child and of the child towards the parent?
  • Understanding the 7 stages we all go through to acquire our soul
  • We will go deeply into the first 4 stages in this class: ibur, birth, katnut alef, gadlut alef
  • Seeing conception and pregnancy from a kabbalistic perspective
  • The miracle of birth and what are its lessons

Descrizione della Lezione

This is the first class of a 4 weeks course, in which we are being introduced to the first deep concepts of the meaning of a family and its responsibilities from a kabbalistic perspective. We will understand how from the moment of conception a soul is slowly going through a seven-stage process marked by age, where the tikkun process is revealing itself, and how the soul is coming fully into the being to do its work and reach its potential. Understanding this timeline, empowers us in the decisions we make with our kids development and education, and even gives us a deeper look into our own growth.

As we know, no child comes into a family by chance, we are all mirrors of each other and come to support each other’s evolution. Having a kabbalistic view and using it is crucial for a healthier and happier parental journey.

Su questo Corso

Parents are the channels for their children, and need to develop gentleness, curiosity, and the ability to support them while setting up healthy boundaries. In this course, we learn the proactive attitude and kabbalistic tools that parents can benefit from to support the evolution and growth of children.

Insegnanti del Corso
