Receiving the Support of the Sages
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The Writings of the Ari

Receiving the Support of the Sages

Pubblicato: Settembre 29, 2020
Registrato originalmente: Giugno 14, 2020

Mi piace 4 Commenti 1 Condividi

Punti salienti della Lezione

  • Spiritually, we are always evolving, moving upwards from level to level until reaching our correction and transformation
  • Most of the world is still correcting the level of Nefesh, from the world of action
  • Divine inspiration is always available to humanity to help us grow and evolve
  • The spiritual work of the tzadikim is assisting us, and when we do an action similar to a tzadik, that tzadik comes to support us in that particular situation and stage, so we can correct in the best possible way
  • The only constant in life is change

Descrizione della Lezione

In this lesson, we learn how to receive the support of the sages that came before us, and that are always available to help us move forward in our spiritual evolution.

Su questo Corso

Isaac Luria, who came to be known as The Ari (meaning ‘Lion’ in Hebrew) because of his prodigious capacity for spiritual study and understanding, was a 16th century kabbalist who delved deeply into the mystical wonders of the Zohar. Commonly considered the father of contemporary Kabbalah, the Ari produced a historic commentary on the Zohar that removed many of its layers of complexity. His teachings created some of the most important kabbalistic ideas and practices used today, including the concept of tikkun, or correction of the soul. Join us for a consciousness-expanding course as we demystify the seminal writings of the Ari and connect with his righteous soul.

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