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Understanding Karma: Astrology and Past Lives


Pubblicato: Agosto 9, 2023
Registrato originalmente: Marzo 29, 2022

Mi piace 6 Commenti Condividi

Punti salienti della Lezione

  • Self sacrifice
  • Intricate desire to do for others
  • Silence and very judgmental of others
  • Feeling karma in the relationship with others
  • They don’t feel enough about others’ giving to them
  • Pisces need balance
  • They need faith, the connection with the Light
  • They need to put the world in compartments, but they also need unity
  • Understanding universality
  • They need to be in the constant change of changing
  • Always looking for ways to give
  • Realizing the differences between our true nature and their illusion
  • Asking questions to the Light directly
  • Using less emotions to make decisions
  • Their intuition is very strong but it cannot blend it with too much emotion
  • They don’t have too much discipline
  • Processes take us to where the solutions are
  • Write your goals and ideas, so to define them clearly
  • Pisces need to appreciate the gifts that the Light gave them
  • They lack desire
  • Without actions life cannot be revealed
  • Standing on one feet, to see how long you can stand, and see how long you can do it 
  • This is how they deal with life, half way through
  • Standing on both feet, they do the rest

Descrizione della Lezione

Understanding the north node in Pisces, and its opposite in Virgo.

Su questo Corso

Although most of us have no conscious recollection of former lives, we are all under the influence of karmic laws. The nodes in astrology reveal the journey that your soul travels from a past life into this life. The north node is the symbol of the future; it represents a new experience yet untried, pulling the soul into a spiritual purpose and a sense of direction. It is the highest area of expression in our current life. This course discusses in-depth the connection between Kabbalistic Astrology and past lives, and explore the north node for each sign, understanding their karmic correction and how this knowledge can be used to transform our lives.

Insegnanti del Corso
