Hoshanah Rabbah & Simchat Torah: Applying the Lessons we Learn
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Sukkot, Hoshana Raba & Simchat Torah

Hoshanah Rabbah & Simchat Torah: Applying the Lessons we Learn

Pubblicato: Dicembre 24, 2013
Registrato originalmente: Settembre 26, 2010

Mi piace 8 Commenti Condividi

Punti salienti della Lezione

  • The shadow described by the Zohar   
  • Examining our ability to listen
  • The Opponent tricks us by allowing us to learn but not to listen 
  • Taking in information without applying it
  • Taking stock of all our challenges and realizing how much of it is recycled from the year before
  • Attending classes for the purpose of receiving energy
  • Our commitment to “going deep”
  • Letting the Hebrew letters speak to us
  • Humility comes with our genuine recognition of how little we listen 
  • The Rav conceals a secret in everything he says 
  • Letting go of our Desire to Receive and becoming like God
  • Rav Zusha as an example of excitement 
  • True listening
  • Rav Ashlag's meditation for the mikveh 
  • Clearing our mind before entering the mikveh
  • Letting go of all our goodness and all of our negativity to allow the Light to fill our vessel
  • Reshaping our negativity or getting a whole new cassette 
  • The highest souls get tested the most 
  • Our soul’s desire is called happiness: Our body’s desire is called pain 
  • Erasing fears, doubts and past success
  • The extra tzelem (shadow or image) 
  • Our final chance to remove judgment on Hoshanah Rabbah
  • The checking of the shadow
  • The righteous souls live in such a way that they are constantly correcting themselves
  • We are all called to constantly look inside to recognize what needs to be changed

Descrizione della Lezione

In this lesson, David challenges us to recognize where we have superficially listened to profound secrets we have received all year and where we haven't truly apply them. Our humble acceptance of our lack of appreciation forges a final sense of repentance to bring us closer to a new soul and spirit.

Su questo Corso

Throughout the year we have opportunities to connect with unique and powerful spiritual energies. Increasing our awareness of these windows in time and understanding the kabbalistic prayers and tools that establish our connection not only improves our lives, but creates the positive change and lasting fulfillment we desire while drawing these divine energies to support the entire world.

Insegnanti del Corso
