Friends Forever: The Good, The Bad and The Toxic

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Friends Forever: The Good, The Bad and The Toxic

Pubblicato: Gennaio 19, 2011
Registrato originalmente: Gennaio 18, 2011

Mi piace 6 Commenti Condividi

Punti salienti della Lezione

  • Defining friendship: a connection and energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard and valued, give and receive without judgment and derive strength from the relationship
  • Friendship facts and the friendship effect
  • The purpose of every connection we make
  • Generosity and finding ways to help friends
  • Making healthy sacrifices
  • Assessing our friendships and what kind of friend we are
  • Knowing when it is okay to hold a grudge
  • Believe when someone shows you who they are
  • Identifying true friendship
  • Friendship terrorists
  • The damage of negative speech
  • Building a perfect love through friendship
  • Question and Answer session
  • A woman should have...

Descrizione della Lezione

Healthy friendships help us reveal our truest selves and aid us in manifesting our purpose. Toxic friendships or "frenemies" can bring out our worst, distract us from achieving our higher goals and block blessings from our lives.

Identify which of your friendships are making you stronger and which ones are holding you back. As Monica Berg offers simple and effective spiritual rules for friendship while sharing personal stories in this interactive lecture. Topics for discussion include the danger of gossip & negative speech, avoiding jealousy & evil eye and even when it is healthy to hold a grudge (yes, we said healthy). Invest in your friendships by viewing this powerful lesson.

Su questo Corso

Impariamo come creare una vita appagante, che abbia un senso e, soprattutto, una vita in cui viviamo e amiamo come avremmo sempre voluto. Scopriamo gli strumenti pratici e preziosi per costruire un centro interiore di equilibrio e di fiducia, che possa essere una fonte di reale appagamento, che niente e nessuno potrà portarci via, e sperimentate la felicità profonda che abbiamo sempre creduto possibile.

Insegnanti del Corso
