10:30 PM
Turning darkness into Light was the essence of Rav Shimon Bar Yochai, the author of the Zohar. He knew that the way to remove negativity is to meet it with Light. On Lag Ba’Omer, we have the ability to awaken and strengthen the spark of Light within us, transforming the negativity in our lives into joy and fulfillment. In leaving this world on this day, Rav Shimon opened an energetic window so that future generations would have the ability—through conscious connection—to draw his powerful Light. Join your global Kabbalah Centre community as we gather to draw Rav Shimon’s bountiful blessings and connect with the energy of Lag Ba’Omer.
Saturday, 25 May in-person at TKC, South Hampstead
Important Details
Livestream Access:
Your ticket for this event only includes in-person access.
To access the streaming, please see here.
What to Expect at the Event:
Event FAQ's
Is there a dress code for the event?
No, there is no dress code for the event. Students are welcome to wear whatever they are most comfortable in.
Why is the event so late at night?
Kabbalistic teachings give great importance to spiritual study and work during the hours of midnight to dawn when the Light of the Creator is intensified in our physical realm. It is a time which heightens our ability to receive messages and clarity.
Do I need to be stay the whole night?
Students are welcome to stay for as long or as little as they would like. There is an opportunity to connect in every part of of the evening, so please attend whatever works best for you and your schedule.
Will there be food served?
We will have delicious middle eastern dinner and hot drinks.
Date(s): Saturday, May 25, 2024
Location: London
Address: Charles House First Floor 108-110 Finchley Rd, London NW3 5JJ
Sessions: 1
Price: GBP 48.00
Language: English