06:00 PM
Interactive Webinar (Zoom)
Stress: we’ve all felt it. Most likely, we view it as a draining, unnecessary distraction from accomplishing our goals in life, both long and short-term. However, Kabbalah teaches that stress is actually an opportunity to expand our vessel. Studies show that the more we care for others when we’re under stress, the less chance it will negatively affect us. As we push out of our comfort zones and take stress head on, we can begin to understand the positive effects stress can have on our lives, such as boosting brain power and alertness and getting us to be more social and connected with our world. Join us for a transformative seminar as we discover spiritual tools for controlling—and even embracing—stress so that you may build your consciousness and positively change your physical reality.
Class 1:
Understanding stress from a Kabbalistic point of view, including how it affects our bodies and minds. Kabbalistic techniques for managing stress and achieving relaxation.
Class 2:
Mindset and attitude work around stress. Kabbalistic tools for developing a positive outlook and self-talk. Meditations for stress reduction. The spiritual importance of cultivating gratitude and practicing compassion, and tools to make this a part of your life. Identifying your triggers and creating a personalized action plan for stress management.
Note: All times are in the following time zone: America/Los_Angeles.
Date(s): Tuesday, March 14, 2023 – Tuesday, March 21, 2023
Interactive Webinar (Zoom)
Hosted by: Virtual Live Learning (USA & Canada)
This is a virtual Live Learning class. Upon registration, you will receive an email with instructions on how to connect online. We encourage early registration to allow time to receive this email and download the necessary software to join the class.
Sessions: 2
USD 30.00
Free for Onehouse Community Members
Instructor(s): Ariel Viner
Language: English