08:30 PM
Kabbalah teaches that our soul is a spark of the Light found in the upper worlds. It has existed from the moment the world was created, and will continue to be throughout eternity. Our physical journey is driven by our spiritual journey; hence, our soul is the true pilot in life. Join us for an insightful class as we closely examine the soul’s journey, from choosing its physical manifestation to our nurturing it in life to its transition back into the supernal realm. Amongst the themes we will explore are the soul’s connection to the tetragrammaton, the support of angels, soul dreams, and more.
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Date(s): Tuesday, June 27, 2023
Location: Miami
Address: 2725 NE 163rd Street North Miami Beach, Miami, Florida 33160, USA
Sessions: 1
Price: USD 30.00
Instructor(s): Sarah Cohen, Yigal Kutnovsky
Language: Spanish