What Does Reincarnation Mean for Me? 3 Lessons to Apply in This Lifetime
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What Does Reincarnation Mean for Me? 3 Lessons to Apply in This Lifetime

Adapted from Monica and Michael Berg’s Spiritually Hungry podcast. Listen and subscribe here.
May 8, 2023
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Reincarnation is a topic that has intrigued theologians and philosophers for centuries. It's the concept that our souls are reborn into new bodies after we die to continue our journey of learning and growth. But it's also a powerful understanding that can provide practical tools to inform our daily life and how we view it.

Here are 3 lessons about reincarnation to start applying in this lifetime:

1. Everything that happens to you is for the benefit of your soul in thousands of different ways.

The concept of reincarnation teaches us that there are thousands upon thousands of spiritual reasons why something happens to us, whether it seems positive or negative in the moment. We carry debts and unfinished work from previous lifetimes with us, and those have an impact on what we experience.

Although it can be helpful to try and comprehend why something has happened to us, we will never fully see all the reasons. What is certain is that everything that occurs is for the benefit of our souls. A challenge you face may be helping you grow in a powerful way while pushing your life in a new direction while also allowing you to repay a debt from a past life, along with a multitude of other reasons. There is never just one reason at a given time.

Understanding there is a deeper, multi-layered purpose to everything that happens can influence how we live. We are not meant to know all the reasons things occur in our lives, but if we understand that everything is part of our souls' correction, it helps us find meaning, especially in times of difficulty.

2. You are right where you are meant to be. Your soul chose this life (and its challenges) for the purpose of growing.

When we see someone who is faced with difficult challenges in their life or who was born into them, it can be hard to understand why. Why do bad things seem to happen to good people? While we can never be certain of all the spiritual reasons, one of the lessons of reincarnation is that our souls choose where we are reborn for each incarnation. What may seem like a very challenging existence is exactly what that soul knows it needs in order to reach its potential.

The wisdom of Kabbalah teaches that difficulties are not punishment for things we've done wrong in a past life (or in our current one). While it's true some souls go through challenges as a form of cleansing, some elevated souls experience pain for the benefit of the world, while others are given challenging limitations that actually help prevent them from falling.

We can never be sure why we experience pain, but we can understand that our souls chose this life for a reason. There is no coincidence about where each soul is born. When life seems difficult, remember that your soul chose this incarnation because it is perfectly designed to help you grow.

3. You are meant to make spiritual progress in this lifetime, but that looks different for each person. Avoid comparing your journey to others.

In every incarnation we experience, we are meant to correct something, transforming into better and better versions of ourselves. But that work looks very different for each person.

We each have a unique purpose in this world tied to our strengths and challenges. What comes very easily for one person is incredibly difficult for another. This is because we each have a special Light we must reveal in the world. The point is to learn something and progress in some way through this lifetime. There is no absolute way a person needs to behave – we just need to be "better" than before. This means finding the areas that are most challenging and uncomfortable for us, facing them head-on, and working to transform them.

What progress means for every soul is very different, so it's pointless trying to compare your life to someone else's. Focus on your own journey, strive to be a little better, and focus on revealing your unique Light in the world.

The study of reincarnation is not just about understanding that we go through a cycle of life, death, and rebirth but also that there is a beautiful design and purpose to our lives. This can influence the way we see both our challenges and our blessings. There are endless reasons for the things we go through, but everything is ultimately for our growth. Even if things seem difficult right now, trust that you are right where your soul is meant to be. Your job is to keep growing into a better you with the help of the Light of the Creator.

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