Astrology Forecast for October 8-14, 2023

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Astrology Forecast for October 8-14, 2023

Ruth Nahmias
October 8, 2023
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The first portion (or chapter) of the Torah is Beresheet. It is always read following the connections of Sukkot and before the new month of Scorpio. This portion explains how the Creator made the world and brought Adam and Eve into being. It also delves into the subsequent transgression of Adam and Eve by eating from the Tree of Knowledge. 

The Ari and the Zohar explain that there were two Geneses: the creation of the 99 percent (consciousness) and the one percent (physical reality). According to the Zohar, there were no days because there was no concept of time, space, and motion. The power of this portion is the opportunity for us to elevate and to understand concepts beyond time, space, and motion—everything beyond the illusion of the one percent reality. 

Astrologically speaking, this concept is manifested with Pluto because the planet represents the soul and unconscious level. Pluto is also a symbol of the end of an old cycle and the beginning of a new one. On October 10th, the planet Pluto goes direct and is not in retrograde anymore. I always visualize Pluto retrograde as going back over sections of field where we are meant to dig up the remaining weeds and stones so growth can happen. This is the time to clean out the old negative remnants of our lives, to cleanse our state of mind. 

For those of you who participated in the amazing Rosh Hashanah event in New York with Michael and Monica Berg, you may remember Michael spoke to the idea of not just wishing for just a “better” year but a “new” and completely transformative year. This requires 100% certainty in the Light. Of course, it’s a work in progress. And that’s exactly what the planet Pluto enters the scene to do, astrologically speaking. Pluto helps us propel forward and connect to new heights of our souls.

Now, we can move forward with shiny, new transformations just as Pluto completes its transit of Capricorn. It will then enter the sign of Aquarius in January of 2024. This will be a whole new game. As Pluto stations direct, you should feel an increasing sense of urgency or closure now that the final degrees of this sign are approaching. A chapter is winding down, and if there are any leftover negative patterns that need to go, now's the time to embrace that change. 

The stakes are a bit higher in these remaining few months of 2023. It's always better to work with the energy rather than resist it. Be honest with yourself, let go of old patterns that don’t serve you anymore, and confront what's hidden. The power of this first portion (Beresheet) is to plant the seed of renewal. This is the most important portion of the entire Torah. Here, we have the opportunity to connect to the dimension that was free from all forms of chaos. We can connect to that energy that existed when consciousness was formed, to that seed level of the beginning of humanity without limitations, without chaos. 

To close out this week, there is a solar eclipse on October 14th in Libra. With this potent Libra energy, we have the opportunity to make important changes in our lives. Libra teaches us to make peace with those around us and to establish more harmony in our environments. We can establish a sense of order and balance in our lives and recognize the value of unity. Libra has an innate ability to love. Peace and harmony are the goals, but it requires some commitment and effort. With those amazing energies of new beginnings that are available to us, let's plant the seed for big and positive changes this year, collectively and individually.

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