Weekly Astrology Forecast for January 27 - February 2, 2019
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Weekly Astrology Forecast for January 27 - February 2, 2019

Yael Yardeni
January 27, 2019
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I hope everyone is in great spirits after last week’s opportunites! This week, we are entering a different zone since it’s our last mile in lunar Aquarius, and lunar Pisces is just around the corner. At the beginning of the week, the moon is in studious Virgo and three planets are in Capricorn. But, thank God Mercury is already in Aquarius! And we benefit very much from the jovian positivity of Venus in Sagittarius.

 Wow, how can we use all these energies?

"We can never know enough."

First of all, as kabbalists wisely teach, “Life and death both depend on our tongue!” With Mercury in Aquarius, a sharp Virgo moon, and Mars in Aries almost cunjunct with Uranus, it’s time to restrict a bit when it comes to what we are about to say! With the presence of so much revolutionary Aquarius and a pinch of grumpy Capricorn in the cosmos, we all might find ourselves caustic and a lot more dramatic than usual.

Patience and calm are on the menu this week! In fact, the best attitude would be to take everything with copious amounts of humor. Since the rising of the chart is in Leo, the cosmic message is about taking reponsibility and a good dose of leadership! So far so good, it seems! However, as usual, there is a little catch . . .

Neptune in Pisces in the eighth house brings trouble in paradise. Be more mindful of boundaries, in general. Neptune creates a lot of mirages and illusions. Therefore, it’s not the right time to make decisions regarding money (eighth house), especially collective money. For example, contracts involving our resources and others should be very carefully examined. In sum, hold your horses!

"Be mindful about money and avoid making hasty decisions!"

The second lesson concerns learning. With Jupiter in the sign of its rulership (Sagittarius), strong Mars, and Uranus (the zodiac researcher) in the ninth house, education is definitely our focus right now. Over the centuries, kabbalists have always been very strongly focused on teaching people in all possible ways – classes held in the open, books, small groups of study, etc.

The Age of Aquarius opened many gates of information for us. But the real message here is we can never know enough. (Though, it may be contrary to what we believe!) Right now, what the kabbalists actually teach us with a lot of humor, is that most of us know enough to actually be dangerous! Let us adopt the old saying, "All I know is that I really know nothing." With the presence of strong Aquarius energy representing the dissemination of knowledge, we should remember that ignorance is no excuse!

This is a fantastic time to attend a new course, inquire about deepening our studies, and perhaps invest in continuing our education. And of course, let’s try to be more proactive about our spiritual studies. Very simply, let’s open ourselves up to learning with a greater enthusiasm! This is an unbelievable time to ask a thousand questions, rekindle our studies (spiritual or otherwise), and go back to school if it feels right. Every one of us can gain a higher consciousness with just a little effort.

Be mindful about money and avoid making hasty decisions!

We will be welcoming the month of lunar Pisces very soon!
