Weekly Astrology Forecast for September 15-21, 2019
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Weekly Astrology Forecast for September 15-21, 2019

Yael Yardeni
September 15, 2019
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We are right in the middle of lunar Virgo, and everyone feels like they’re in a laundromat! This week awaits us with more spiritual work, to say the very least. 

"With personal effort, real blessings will emerge soon in all domains of life!"

With a strong Aries rising and Uranus prominently in the first house, this week is all but calm and zen! Mercury, the ruler of this month and messenger of the gods, is extremely challenged with a 150 degree angle to the ascendant and several oppositions. It’s essential to proceed cautiously and measure our words carefully.

In addition, the moon is now in Pisces, conjunct in a wider orb with blurry Neptune and the Black Moon. But, of course, when it rains it pours — Neptune is also opposed to the sun, which can create illusions, lack of clarity, and a foggy energy all around. Surprisingly, both Venus and Mercury are already in the next sign of Libra and it definitely adds to the global indecision and a tendency to question.

The key feature this week is Uranus, our cosmic troublemaker, as it rules natural disasters, unexpected events, and (with Neptune involved) a lot of unpleasant uncertainty. In conclusion, if the cosmos stated a relationship status on Facebook, it would read, “It’s complicated!”

So where is the silver lining in all of this?

"There is enough energy in this chart to generate huge changes."

Actually, there is enough energy in this chart to generate huge changes. Uranus is practically on the chart’s ascendant! So, let’s get ready for very unusual and sudden self-discoveries. (Uranus is also considered the researcher of the galaxy.)

With the stubbornness of the MC conjunct with Pluto in Capricorn, we have no choice but to make changes! We are talking about personal internal changes, as well as thoughtful and calculated external ones. Remember, we are in the heart of lunar Virgo, Elul, the month of teshuvah (to return). Or as our teacher Rav Berg would call it, “back to the future energy.”

Generally speaking, this time requires thoroughness, accuracy, and twisting our tongue seven times before any comment is made. The whole universal machine feels unstable, but with 11 cardinal planets in the cosmos, we are definitely moving to our next level. Staying the same will feel extremely uncomfortable.

With personal effort, real blessings will emerge soon in all domains of life!

Our real focus right now is internal balance and, of course, transformation and upgrade. In short, this is a great preparation for the new cosmic year. Meditate on the 72 Names Aleph Vav Mem to open bridges toward others and help the global world situation. Keep countries and regions under harsh Uranian influence in your prayers. 

It’s a very intense, but fruitful week overall!
