The Power of Self-Worth

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The Power of Self-Worth

Kabbalah Centre
May 18, 2018
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Most of our problems in life stem from our insecurities, and the ultimate insecurity is that we fail to see the unlimited power within us.

"When we understand the true value of our souls, the way we see the world changes."

The kabbalists teach that when we understand the true value of our souls, the way we see the world changes. We no longer get jealous, upset, or angry because we understand that nothing can diminish our worth. We also start to understand ourselves and the people around us in a more profound way.

Think about a $100 bill. If you were to crumple it up, step on it, spit on it, and roll it in the mud, it would still be worth $100 at the end of the day. The same is true with our souls. Our hardships, our mistakes, our failures – none of it detracts from the value of our soul. Nothing and no one can diminish that power because it is innate within us, as much a part of us as our DNA.

Most of the problems we face in life start to arise when we don’t recognize our self-worth. We get jealous of other people who have something we think we lack. We get down on ourselves when we think there is something wrong with us. We get defensive when people point out our flaws because we don’t want to admit that we have them, or we don’t want to face the things we need to work on. If we truly knew our self-worth, we would not be so affected by these things.

So, how do we learn to better connect with our soul? How do we develop a stronger sense of self-worth?

1. Stop comparing yourself to others.

Sometimes we look at others and feel envious of their success or good fortune. Other times, we see others as beneath us because of the choices they have made or their station in life. Both instances are cases in which our ego is getting in the way of true clarity. When we develop our self-worth, we don’t feel jealous or superior. We recognize that we are no better or worse than anyone else.

Remember that everyone is unique. We each have a special purpose in this world, and part of that purpose is a process of transformation. This process involves unique challenges for each of us. So why compare your journey to anyone else’s? They have their own purpose and their own hurdles which have nothing to do with yours.

The spiritual work is to be better than you were yesterday, not better than the person standing next to you.

2. Determine your strengths, and learn to appreciate them.

Trust in the fact that you have greatness within you, even if it’s hard to see at times. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Don’t just focus on the weaknesses. What are you good at? Are you a good friend, a hard worker, a good listener?

"Trust in the fact that you have greatness within you."

It isn’t just about making us feel confident about ourselves. There is a reason we have been blessed with these skills. They are tools meant to help us achieve our higher purpose. When we learn to recognize the gifts we have, we can start to use them towards the betterment of the world.

3. Accept that you are still a work in progress.

Having self-worth doesn’t mean thinking you are perfect. Just as we all have strengths, we also have things we need to work on. Recognizing and accepting this without letting it defeat you is empowering.

It is our life’s work to overcome these obstacles, and they are meant to challenge us. They are not meant to be easy. They do not mean that something is wrong with us. Sometimes we get so focused on trying to fix these things that we forget the incredible power we have inside.

Remember that our hardships are shaping us in the way the Creator intends for us. When we recognize our self-worth, we can use these challenges for growth and change, knowing that it is pushing us to become better versions of ourselves.


Developing a sense of self-worth is one of the most powerful ways we can connect to the Creator. We each have a spark of the Creator within us – the unlimited potential of our souls. When we recognize and appreciate this, we become closer to the Creator and also to each other. We can love others more, be more understanding, more forgiving, and more connected to the people around us.

With a strong sense of self-worth, we can start to see that we are all alike, in that we are all unique.

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