Quarterly Donor Impact Report – April 2023
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Quarterly Donor Impact Report – April 2023

Michael Berg
April 28, 2023
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Through our study of the wisdom of Kabbalah, we learn that true sharing is the most important part of our life. When we share, without conditions and with love, we bestow Light unto others and experience real blessings and miracles in our own lives. The predominance of love and the desire to share among all students within each Centre around the world astounds me every day. And that sense of love is one of the greatest gifts we can give.

As we continue working towards improving people's lives on a local and global scale, I am excited to inform you about the significant impact that The Kabbalah Centre is making. This is one of the most effective and fruitful periods for spreading the wisdom of Kabbalah, and we couldn't be doing it without you.

Your gifts on Purim supported those in need 

Over 2,000 students came together to celebrate Purim with their local communities and thousands more connected to the endless Light available through generous giving. Your contributions will help people all over the world transform their lives through the study of Kabbalah. Thanks to this spirit of giving, we were also able to nourish our local communities with a charitable gift to The Global Food Banking Network to support their work in addressing hunger. Together, we were able to distribute 28,000 meals to undernourished communities around the world. Your generosity also enabled us to send a gift to The Harbor Care Center, which provides residential resources for unhoused individuals recovering from illness or injury, helping to provide a multitude of resources for dozens of others in need. 

Hundreds of teens are studying Kabbalah

Already in 2023, we've opened 8 Kabbalah 1 courses for teens and pre-teens around the world. Over 200 youths are studying Kabbalah in both Spanish and English, discovering the tools and insights that will help them grow into the confident, loving, and sharing persons they are meant to be. Teens in the courses, along with their parents, are sharing that the curriculum and community have made a tangible positive impact in their lives. 

"This is like my dream class." – Student 

"This is such a huge blessing! We don't live near a Centre, so the opportunity for my teens to connect online is a blessing. Thank you so much! My kids are loving it! They really treasure this time every week where they can share and ask questions with no judgement." – Parent 

The Zohar is needed today more than ever 

Following the devastating earthquake affecting Turkey and Syria, our students stepped into action to support the Zohar Project in Turkey by sending thousands of Zohars. In addition, we've committed to creating Zohar "belts" around Istanbul and Izmir to bring additional protection to those areas. We are grateful for the prayers and support our community has shown in this challenging time. 

In February, Zohar Project volunteers from Germany traveled to the city of Dresden, a city prone to extreme flooding, acts of political violence, and recent burglaries. Volunteers shared over 70 Zohars on the 83-year memorial (both in the Gregorian and kabbalistic calendars) of the destruction of Dresden by air raids in 1945, where over 20,000 civilians died in one day. The Zohar was well-received in Dresden, and we have certainty that its Light will continue to bring healing to this area. 

Sneak peek into the Zohar App's most anticipated feature 

Just in from our developers is the demo of the Zohar App. There will be many exciting features, but the main highlight is that users will be able to follow along and listen to the entire Zohar as it is read by our Kabbalah Centre teachers. The beta version will be released in the coming months. More support is welcomed; it's not too late to still be a part of this inspiring project. Speak with your teacher to learn more.


You are part of something much bigger 

The beginner's Kabbalah 1 course is the first way students begin their journey, and for most, it's life-changing. See the impact your giving has had on the individual paths of so many new students already this year: 


Other highlights of our work in 2023: 

  • 24,456 New Students
  • 4,659 Students signed up for Kabbalah 1 
  • 4,584 Benefited from The Karen Berg Scholarship Fund

I hope you'll be inspired to learn of the many ways in which your donations are helping to support our efforts to provide access to the transformative wisdom of Kabbalah.

I humbly, and joyfully, thank you for your generosity.     

With love,

Michael Berg
