Quarterly Donor Impact Report – April, May, June 2022
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Quarterly Donor Impact Report – April, May, June 2022

Michael Berg
August 11, 2022
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Every time we perform an act of sharing, small or large, the Light and energy we infuse into that sharing brings an even greater Light to the world. I think of The Kabbalah Centre as the pillar that unites our collective consciousness and our power to manifest lasting, positive change in our world. And each of our students is a stone in that pillar; without you, the Centre would topple. Your sharing is, I truly believe, more powerful than we’ll probably ever know. Because when you share this wisdom and these tools, you share the foundation for someone else’s joy and fulfillment.

In recent months, we’ve had the merit to enjoy another energy-packed Pesach connection, and this year, many of you joined us in person once again. We hired a survey company to analyze our strengths and identify areas we need to improve. And we launched a multi-faceted program for children and teens to infuse kabbalistic tools and consciousness into their lives. Please read on to learn more about the Centre’s projects that your sharing has made possible in the last few months:

Whitman Insight Strategies Survey Results

As part of an ongoing effort to learn and grow as an organization, we enlisted Whitman Insight Strategies to conduct an intensive consumer survey earlier this year so we could get a better sense of student and prospective student sentiment.

Here is a sample of what people are saying:

“The Centre is having an extraordinary positive impact on people’s lives.”

“I learned the value of looking at challenges as both opportunities for growth and as part of my purpose rather than just random bad luck.”

“We have a lot to be proud of, and a lot more work to do.”

When asked about overall satisfaction with The Kabbalah Centre (TKC), 68% of active students said that were very satisfied. Our Onehouse Members see the highest value from their involvement with TKC. When asked how they would rate the impact of TKC on their life, 94% gave it an 8-10 rating (on a 0-10 scale) with 71% rating it a 10/10!

As for areas in which we can improve, the survey found that our greatest challenge today is making the wisdom and tools more practical for daily action.

We’ve started putting the insights we’ve gained into action. Kabbalah 1, 2, and 3 courses are investing more time and resources into the teacher assignment process – with course teachers meeting with students before connecting them with a one-on-one teacher. Now, students are being more compatibly paired with teachers who can best support their unique needs and areas of focus. Additional projects are in development, including a goal-oriented mobile app to help people at all levels of study practically apply the wisdom to their lives. Special thanks to Bernard Whitman for your generosity, support, and efforts in helping this wisdom reach more people.

Kabbalah Centre Youth Program

The newly launched Kabbalah Centre Youth Program’s mission is to instill spiritual wisdom, values, and tools that will help our young people grow into conscious, loving, independent, resourceful, and sharing global citizens. We continuously develop content, materials, and events that provide a support system for our youth to create a better future for themselves and the world. The lessons are designed to communicate deep spiritual concepts to young people through fun and interactive workshops, videos, classes, camps, and other events.

Thanks to your support, we are excited to share that the Youth Program is already doing big things! In just the last two months, we

  • Held a transformative weekend retreat for teens with Michael and Monica Berg
  • Launched our “How to Be: Kabbalah for Young Adults” YouTube series that boasted over 5,100 views in its first week
  • Launched Kabbalah 1 for Teens and Pre-Teens with over 130 students

"I made new friends and connected with other people on a deeper level (at the weekend retreat with Michael and Monica). I challenged my fears and got out of my comfort zone.” - Sarah


Other April-May-June highlights

  • Zohar App – We are 60% of the way to reaching our fundraising goal for the Zohar App! Also of note, the app will have a feature that lights up the Aramaic letters of the Zohar as it is read aloud in the ‘listen’ setting. Even though this technology is not supported for Aramaic, we had the merit to find programmers who will make it happen for the first time in history.
  • We had over 3,500 students connect to the Light of Pesach, with 70% attending in person.
  • Nearly 4,000 students started a Kabbalah 1 course online or in person.
  • Over 4,700 students have benefited from the 31 Pay What You Can courses that started this quarter.
  • The Astrology Panel in April welcomed 1,300 viewers. This is the second biggest point of entry for new students, after our Kabbalah 1 courses .

Thank you for your continued support and for giving our community of students the ability to study, share, and transform.

With love,

Michael Berg

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