Chodesh tov! October is one of the most revelatory and decisive months of 2023 for two reasons. First, eclipse season returns, opening and closing doors by mixing the past with the present and future. Second, Pluto—the planet of collective transformation—will be incredibly active this month, pushing the boundaries of our consciousness. This will be a month of huge surrender and growth as we ride the waves of massive change!
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Scorpio is a fixed water sign. Water is fluid by definition, not fixed. It flows, joins other streams, and seeks unity. Scorpio’s waters are different, however. Since Scorpio is a fixed sign, its waters are vast. Like the expression, “Still waters run deep,” Scorpio’s focus goes deeply within. Scorpio gets to the bottom of things, leaving no stone unturned.
According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, dreams are the Creator’s way of communicating with us. They have a specific purpose: when we dream, we have the ability to receive guidance about our spiritual work and our purpose in this world. And as we learn how to interpret dreams, we can decipher their true, deeper meaning and apply the knowledge to our lives. The month of Scorpio is a particularly optimal time to delve into the depths of our dreams, using our dreams as a tool for growth.
CLICK HERE to schedule a dream consultation with Mordechay Balas today!
- All water signs are known to have strong emotions, but Scorpios are known to be somewhat extreme, in both positive and negative respects, when it comes to emotions. For Scorpios, the challenge is to move away from black-and-white thinking or feelings and embrace gray areas, balance, and moderation. This month we all may be a bit more prone to falling into extremes, so it is an opportunity to catch ourselves in these moments and ask ourselves how we can inject more balance. Notice in your parenting where you may fall into extremes. In the areas where you’re more extreme, dig deeper and ask yourself what is the limited belief driving my behavior?
- During the month of Scorpio, we all are gifted with heightened intuition; we have the ability to tune in more deeply to ourselves and others. As a parent, you may use this time to better help your children by discovering what their needs truly are. Practice listening with an open heart and feeling what’s maybe better left unsaid. Meditation is also a powerful tool for connecting to your child’s soul. You may simply close your eyes, visualize yourself approaching your child with openness and love, then see your child speaking to you, telling you how to best help them, sharing their innermost feelings with you, and leaning on you for support. Allow yourself to absorb everything your child is communicating and trust you are fully capable of meeting their needs.
- One of the major challenges that plagues the sign of Scorpio is the fear of losing control, which often results in a deep desire to acquire and maintain power at all costs, as power is a strong form of control. This month, observe where in your parenting you fear losing control and how this affects the way you assert your authority as a parent. Whenever this fear comes up for you, practice reminding yourself there is no such thing as control; the Light is the only one truly in control at the end of the day. You can practice using this mantra, “I do my best, the Light does the rest,” and see what happens when you truly let go of the need to control; see the miracles that transpire between you and your children in particular.
- Another challenge we may be vulnerable to during the month of Scorpio is jealousy. The Kabbalists teach that the root of jealousy is a lack of appreciation for our unique Light. When we don’t recognize and value what is unique within us, we are more prone to envying what others have, feeling threatened, competitive, and resentful. As a parent, particularly when we’re feeling insecure or like we’re failing at our job, it is easy to look at other parents and feel jealous – ‘they’ve got it easier than I do,’ ‘they have more help than I do,’ ‘why is their child this way while mine behaves that way’… etc. This month, anytime you find yourself making comparisons or feeling jealous of another parent, remind yourself what makes you unique and special as a parent. Trust that whatever is unique and special inside you is exactly what your children need; after all, that is why their soul chose to be with your soul in this lifetime! Your children need your unique Light, not the Light of any other parent.
- Honesty is one of the superpowers of a Scorpio, and therefore, it is a superpower we can all access a little bit greater this month. What does honesty mean to you? Spiritually speaking, honesty begins with how aware we are of our dual nature (our ego and our soul) – specifically, how honest we are with ourselves about how these two forces are influencing us at any given moment. When we can be honest with ourselves, we are more likely to be capable of being honest with others, showing up authentically in all of our relationships. This month, observe when, where, how, and why you are not honest with yourself and how this affects your honesty with your children. Adults lie to kids all the time, sometimes for good reason and sometimes not. Try to uncover your patterns around dishonesty with your kids and see where there are opportunities to be more truthful.
- All water signs are known to have strong emotions, but Scorpios are known to be somewhat extreme, in both positive and negative ways, when it comes to emotions. For Scorpios, the challenge is to move away from black-and-white thinking or feelings and embrace gray areas, balance, and moderation. This month we all may be a bit more prone to falling into extremes, so it is an opportunity to catch ourselves in these moments and ask ourselves how we can inject more balance. For instance, do you ever notice yourself labeling people or things as “bad” vs. “good” or “right” vs. “wrong”? Remember, nothing and no one is entirely one way. Good people make mistakes, and very negative people are capable of very positive things as well. This may be confusing to accept at times, but challenge yourself to look for more information when you notice yourself falling into the black-and-white thinking. When you search for more information with a curious mind, you will be amazed at what you discover about people.
- During the month of Scorpio, we all are gifted with heightened intuition, meaning we have the ability to be more in touch with ourselves and others. Practice asking yourself the following questions as much as possible: what do I feel, what do I think, and what do I want? Also, when you interact with other people, pay extra close attention when they speak, truly listen to them with your heart. Notice the things you pick up about people when you listen deeply. You can also practice asking people what they feel, think, and want to learn more about them.
- One of the major challenges for the sign of Scorpio is the fear of losing control, which often results in a deep desire to gain and maintain power at all costs, as power is a way to assert control. This month, observe when this fear of losing control comes up for you and remind yourself, no human being is ever in full control; only the Light is in control at the end of the day. Remind yourself that the Light wants what is best for you and everyone else, so there is nothing to be afraid of. Even when things don’t go your way or you’re faced with a challenge, the Light is still working in your best interest, so goodness must come from the situation. You can practice using this mantra, “I do my best, the Light does the rest,” and see what magic happens when you take a deep breath and let go.
- Another challenge we may face during the month of Scorpio is jealousy. The Kabbalists teach that the root of jealousy is a lack of appreciation for our unique Light. When we don’t recognize and value what is unique within us, we are more prone to envying what others have, feeling threatened, competitive, and resentful. This month, anytime you fall into comparing yourself to other people or feeling jealous, remind yourself what makes you unique and special. Are you great at math, super creative, athletic, funny, kind…? Whatever your gift is, it was given to you by the Light, and your job in this world is to simply be the best version of yourself, not to outcompete anyone else.
- Honesty is one of the superpowers of a Scorpio, and therefore, it is a superpower we can all access a little bit greater this month. What does honesty mean to you? Spiritually speaking, honesty begins with our relationship to ourselves. It means recognizing what thoughts and feelings we are having, naming them, and not being ashamed of any of them. When we are honest with ourselves, we are more capable of being honest with others. We are all dishonest sometimes, it’s human, and it’s ok. Just practice noticing where you are dishonest in your life for the sake of learning more about yourself. Do you lie to your parents, your friends, at school…etc.? When you lie, why do you lie? Do you lie because you feel unsafe, embarrassed, afraid, …etc.? Whatever you discover, don’t judge yourself. You can speak to your parents about what you’ve discovered, and they can help you work on being more truthful in the moments you struggle with honesty.
The Kabbalists teach that the 72 Names of God are powerful instruments we can use to align our soul with different expressions or spiritual frequencies of the Light of the Creator. Each 72 Name of God is associated with a specific set of days in the Kabbalistic calendar. By connecting to the name associated with each set of days, we gain key insights into the opportunities available to us during these days.
- Cheshvan 1-5 (Vav Vav Lamed – Defying Gravity): The most marvelous thing about trees is that they sprout and flourish against gravity. Green is a color that represents growth and healing, so it is no wonder that trees, defying the weight of this physical world, spread out into this beautiful green foliage. Trees grow like we are supposed to: against our nature. Our human nature is this Desire to Receive for the Self Alone. As we grow against this desire, we become like the Creator, who is all sharing, kind, creative, and completely infinite. During these next few days, practice rising up against your reactive, ego-based tendencies and embrace the infinite potential of your soul.
- Cheshvan 6-10 (Yud Lamed Hei – Sweetening Judgement): We come from different cultures, different backgrounds, and different belief systems. We vibrate on different frequencies. Nevertheless, our essence is energy, and that energy exists in everyone and everything. Each one of us has a spark of the Creator within. We want to respect the other person in our picture—be it a friend, acquaintance, employer, employee, or even a stranger—because of that spark. This week, let’s stop thinking about how we don’t want people to behave towards us and instead start thinking about how we do want them to behave and then extend that behavior to others. By being the kindness we wish to see in the world, we can transform bitter into sweet and help remove the force of judgment from the world.
- Cheshvan 11-15 (Samech Aleph Lamed – Power of Prosperity): In Kabbalah, we learn that the Light of the Creator is the source of all of our blessings in this physical world, and it is the energy within all physicality. We become manifestors when we connect to the source – the energy behind the physical things we are seeking rather than the physical things themselves. During these days, with everything you see, touch, feel, etc. in the physical world, remind yourself as much as possible where these things come from and ask yourself: what is the energy I am seeking? Also, remember, when you do manifest prosperity, sharing in whatever way feels natural and inspired to you personally is the fastest way to create circuitry – to make sure your blessings and receiving are endless.
- Cheshvan 16-20 (Ayin Reish Yud – Absolute Certainty): The truth is that our mind’s tendency is to doubt. Sometimes it is easier to have certainty in the negative, not the positive. We may live in a consciousness that says: “If this is happening, it cannot be good,” instead of one that says: “This difficult thing is happening. I don’t understand it, and I don’t appreciate it, yet I know that the Creator’s love underlies everything and that I am a part of that love, so there must be some good I’ve yet to discover here.” Practice embracing certainty, especially when it is illogical and see how the certainty expands your perspective; see what new doors open and what opportunities arise.
- Cheshvan 21-25 (Ayin Shin Lamed – Global Transformation): Rav Ashlag, founder of the Kabbalah Centre, quotes a teaching from the son of Rav Shimon Bar Yochai, Rav Eleazar saying one should live his or her life viewing the world as being balanced - positive and negative, good and bad. And every person should also view him or herself as being in balance. Therefore, every single action of positivity, sharing, and revelation of Light elevates the entire world. While conversely, every single action of negativity, selfishness, and what hurts another person, changes the entire balance of the world to negative. We want to live our lives truly knowing that each thought, word, and action we engage in tips the balance of the world. We want to remember how much power we truly have.
- Cheshvan 26-30 (Mem Yud Hei – Unity): Unity is achieved not by everyone becoming like everyone else but simply through the removal of separation and pain. Physicality creates the illusion of separateness, and spiritually, we learn that it is our job to work to see past this illusion. In each of your interactions over the next few days, practice finding common ground with others. Challenge yourself to see past your apparent differences and find what connects you.
1. Parents: Take the time to commit to enhancing both you and your children’s sleep hygiene and connection to your dreams. Start becoming more aware of you and your child’s nighttime routines by asking the following questions and tracking your respective habits: what do you usually do in the final hours leading up to sleep, how do you unwind, what conditions need to be in place for you to fall asleep comfortably, do you fall asleep right away and if not, what typically delays your sleep, do you dream every night and if it varies, do you notice any patterns…etc. As you become more aware of your sleep and dream patterns, you can start to see where there are opportunities for change – areas in which you can improve your habits to promote better sleeping and dreaming for your entire family.
Additionally, we recommend connecting to the following tools before sleep: the Sh’ma prayer and the Zohar. The Kabbalists explain that when we sleep, our soul ascends to the Upper Realms of our universe to recharge. The Sh’ma prayer helps us to attach an umbilical cord to our soul so that it will return and fill the space it has left behind in the morning when we arise. The Zohar is our most powerful tool for connecting our soul to the Lightforce of the Creator. Before bedtime, you can use the Zohar to receive a message on anything that has challenged you during the day, send healing energy to anyone who needs it, or to ask for the Creator’s protection and request divine inspiration in your dreams.
2. Kids: Parents, it’s never too early to educate your children on the importance of high-quality sleep and the value of dreams. We recommend getting your children a sleep journal and encouraging them to try keeping track of their dreams. Spend time discussing their dreams with them and see if you can identify any patterns. For instance, is there a specific symbol that keeps showing up, a specific fear, or a reoccurring scenario? Take notice and consult our dream expert if you’re curious to learn more in order to guide your child further. Also, you may encourage your children to set intentions before they go to sleep. They can decide to consciously let go of something that bothered them during the day and commit to starting a fresh new day tomorrow, ask the Creator to receive a particular type of guidance in their dreams, send a prayer to someone they love, etc., whatever feels most natural and exciting to them. The point is to make bedtime a conscious part of their day and to build positive, empowering routines around bedtime so they can maximize their sleep and dream experiences.