A Monthly Guide for Parents: Cancer

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A Monthly Guide for Parents: Cancer

Kabbalah Centre
July 3, 2024
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The majestic New Moon of Cancer occurs on July 5, 2024, representing a key moment, kabbalistically speaking, to exert control over the incoming month and plant the seeds for what we’d like to manifest in our lives. This cosmic event marks the start of the month of Tammuz on the kabbalistic calendar and gives us an opportunity to get the maximum benefit from the positive aspects of the sign of Cancer as we confront her challenges.

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Cancer is the only sign ruled by the moon, which is associated with Malchut, the physical world of manifestation and finality, but also doubt and limitation. Each and every night, the moon shows us a different face, and the moon experiences more cycles than any other planet. This high degree of variability often creates a heightened sense of instability and uncertainty, resulting in those born under the sign of Cancer being challenged by one thing in particular: fear. As such, this month our focus is transforming fear.

Book a personalized one-on-one eradicating fear session with Monica Berg or Michal Shneor on guidance.kabbalah.com


  • The moon begins each lunar month as a thin scythe and reaches its fullest brightness on the fifteenth. From the moment that the fifteenth day is over, the light of the moon begins to wane, and this cycle repeats itself each month. This explains the Cancerian's gift of high sensitivity. During the month of Cancer, each of us has the opportunity to be more in tune with our emotions and the emotions of others. With this heightened sensitivity, we can practice finding a balance between empathy and boundaries. Sometimes we get so swept away in the emotional upheaval of others, taking on their emotions as our own, that the lines become blurred between our experience and the experience of another. This month, practice tuning into the feelings of others with the intention of caring and supporting to a healthy degree. When you feel your boundaries are being crossed or you’re taking on more than is appropriate, don’t be shy to take a step back or set a limit. When your children have emotional outbursts and you are able to acknowledge and validate their feelings without taking them personally or getting triggered into your own reactive behavior, you can create a sense of stability that has the potential to help your child better navigate their dysregulation.
  • One of the other side effects of the waxing and waning energy of the moon is the persistent feeling of lack, which can then trigger uncertainty. When we’re uncertain, we typically search for security in all the wrong places – mostly, in physical things – money, food, possessions, people, etc. Take notice of where you jump to grab energy from when you experience these feelings of lack and uncertainty, then consciously redirect yourself towards the Creator. Remember, the Light of the Creator is the source of all fulfillment we seek and the singular desire of the Light is to share infinite benevolence with us. These are the moments to practice illogical certainty. Pay attention to where your children fall into this pattern of lack, uncertainty, and false security as well. Guide them to remember physical things are temporary, whereas energy from the Light (be it kindness, love, creativity, joy, inspiration, etc.) is lasting. Help them to look for and find security in energy that is lasting – remembering even if we cannot always see or feel the Light, it is always within and around us.
  • Because the sun and the moon control one sign each, an unbalanced situation is created in each of these months. This imbalance causes the crab, the symbol for the month of Cancer, to walk sideways. The Kabbalists share that the sign of Cancer often struggles both in letting go of the past and with anxieties about the future – both of which keep them from taking proactive steps to move forward. This month, observe where in your life you may be stagnant – in your thoughts, feelings, or actions. In these areas, ask yourself: how am I being plagued by the past or future, and what can I do to be more present with what is, accepting my current reality, moving forward to the best of my ability. Also notice when and how your kids get stuck too much in the past or future. Help your kids to realize all of their power lies in the present moment, and they can move forward in small strides; they don’t always need to leap. Acknowledge and celebrate every step forward, no matter how small.
  • One of the beautiful gifts of this sign is the love, care, and loyalty they bring to the home – both with their family and their physical surroundings. Cancerians create a cozy, sacred environment that nourishes those closest to them. This month, give the people and place closest to you some extra love and care. That wall you’ve been putting off repainting – paint it! Been ordering in meals non-stop – practice putting energy into more home-cooked meals and sit-down dinners. Initiate family bonding activities and be fully present during them. Whenever appropriate, try to involve your kids in the activities pertaining to caring for the home. Teach them how to care for their personal space and invite them to cook and clean with you. Notice how you build a sense of pride and empowerment in your kids simply by including them in caring for your mutual space.
  • Moody! This is one of the words most commonly associated with the sign of Cancer and the month of Cancer. During this month, we are prone to changing moods, and often times when we’ve got tons of shifting emotions swirling up inside of us, we get overwhelmed and shut down. Feeling a lot of feelings can also feel shameful or “wrong” at times, so some of us may fall into concealing our deepest or most challenging emotions. The goal this month is to push ourselves to reveal rather than conceal what is going on inside of us. The more we talk about what we’re feeling and allow others the chance to support us, the faster we transform any negative emotions and lighten our load. Be extra mindful of your children’s moods this month as well. Try to create a safe space for emotional expression by consistently reminding your children it is natural to feel all types of emotions, and you are always here to listen and help them, never to judge.


  • The moon begins each lunar month as a thin scythe and reaches its fullest brightness on the fifteenth. From the moment that the fifteenth day is over, the light of the moon begins to wane, and this cycle repeats itself each month. This explains the Cancerians' gift of high sensitivity. During the month, each of us has the opportunity to tap into a super-power known as empathy. Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. This month, practice noticing the feelings other people seem to be experiencing – joy, sadness, anger, etc. When you see someone struggling with a difficult emotion, remember what it feels like when you experience this emotion, and try to offer your kindness and support.
  • One of the other side effects of the waxing and waning energy of the moon is the persistent feeling that something is missing or that there is not enough! When we feel this way, we may start to get nervous and look to get energy quickly – from people, places, things, etc. In Kabbalah, we learn that all the good feelings we are seeking – love, happiness, inspiration, peace, etc. – come from one source - the Light! Physical things can bring us these feelings, but only temporarily. When you catch yourself feeling empty or lacking in any way, remind yourself that the Light is always with you and always wants to give to you. Ask your parents for help in finding ways to connect to the Light!
  • Because the sun and the moon control one sign each, an unbalanced situation is created in each of these months. This imbalance causes the crab, the symbol for the month of Cancer, to walk sideways. The Kabbalists share that the sign of Cancer often struggles both in letting go of the past and with worries about the future – both of which keep them from moving forward. Do you ever feel stuck? Afraid or unsure of how to move forward? Not ready to start something new? Unsure of how a situation will play out? Practice trusting the Light to support you at all times. The past is done, and the future is not here yet. Practice moving forward one step at a time, and remember you can always ask for help along the way!
  • One of the beautiful gifts of this sign is the love, care, and loyalty they bring to the home – both with their family and their physical surroundings. Cancerians create a cozy, sacred environment that nourishes those closest to them. This month, give the people and place closest to you some extra love and care. What can you do to make your home more beautiful? Maybe this means painting a picture with a message for your family and putting it on the fridge. Maybe this means making an extra effort to clean up your dirty clothes or help your parents fold laundry! Is there a recipe your mom or dad makes that you love? Maybe you can learn how to make it and make it with them! Notice how good it feels to give love to your home and your family.
  • Moody! This is one of the words most commonly associated with the sign of Cancer and the month of Cancer. During this month we are prone to changing moods, and often times when we’ve got tons of shifting emotions swirling up inside of us, we get overwhelmed and shut down. Feeling a lot of feelings can also feel bad or “wrong” at times, so some of us may fall into concealing our deepest or most challenging emotions. The goal this month is to push ourselves to reveal rather than conceal what is going on inside of us. The more we talk about what we’re feeling and allow others the chance to support us, the faster we transform any negative emotions and lighten our load.


The Kabbalists teach that the 72 Names of God are powerful instruments we can use to align our soul with different expressions or spiritual frequencies of the Light of the Creator. Each 72 Name of God is associated with a specific set of days in the Kabbalistic calendar. By connecting to the name associated with each set of days, we gain key insights into the opportunities available to us during these days.

  • Tammuz 1-5 (Lamed Vav Vav – Dialing God): Rav Ashlag says, "My eyes turned to Heaven… With yearning and desire that had no end… I did not let myself rest for even one moment in the day... My heart opened up to the supernal wisdom... and began flowing like a flowing river." Every single one of us is meant to achieve the level at which our connection to the Light of the Creator is flowing like a river - but this can only be achieved if we never stop asking for an ever-growing desire, an ever-growing vessel. There are many types of prayers and many ways to pray. The Kabbalists teach that regardless of how we are praying, the most important thing is that we pray from the heart. Focus on connecting to the sincerity within your heart before you pray.
  • Tammuz 6-10 (Pei Hei Lamed – Victory Over Addictions): Diamonds are the world’s most sought-after and beautiful treasures. After what seems to be a process that would destroy almost anything, the diamond emerges. The diamond serves to teach us that it is through challenges and difficulties we are able to become resilient and radiant. The Kabbalists share that all of us are addicted to some form of negative, limiting way of thinking and behavior. None of us are completely free of addiction, but no matter the heat or pressure we may feel, everything we experience is for the good and for our own benefit.Practice reminding yourself you are a diamond in the making.
  • Tammuz 11-15 (Nun Lamed Caf – Eradicating Plagues): in Hebrew, this arrangement of letters means “let’s walk,” and we are reminded that the spiritual journey transforms us as we walk in the path of light. There may be areas we feel unsettled in life, where there is some form of darkness we cannot get past, but we are not meant to get stuck. We are simply asked to keep moving forward and trust the Light of the Creator will walk with us – guiding us - so long as we are willing to keep moving.
  • Tammuz 16-20 (Yud Yud Yud – Stop Fatal Attraction): This combination of letters is what the High Priest used as a tool for healing. We can use this tool to stop ourselves from seeking out the wrong type of energy in the wrong places. Often when we experience some form of lack, we reactively look for any energy we can find from external sources rather than focusing on how we can fill ourselves up. Practice fueling your own tank.
  • Tammuz 21-25 (Mem Lamed Hei – Sharing The Flame): There are times we use our words as weapons, hurting people sometimes without even realizing. One of the most powerful ways we can share the Light of the Creator with others is through our words. As a result, part of our spiritual work is to constantly practice pausing before speaking and to consciously step outside of ourselves to think about others. Angels constantly surround us, and they immediately transfer whatever comes out of our mouths into an attempt to manifest that energy. Our words have power, and we can use that power for good, creating infinite miracles.
  • Tammuz 26-30 (Chet Hei Vav – Jealousy): One of the secrets to lasting joy is knowing that you are receiving exactly what you need to at each moment. Your life is truly divinely designed. When we come into this world, our soul chooses the precise environment and family to help our karma be resolved. We chose the parents we have and even the way we look. Everything is designed for our own best interest. The pain of looking at another with jealousy is really believing the Creator doesn't know what He is doing. Jealousy is, therefore, the greatest destroyer of joy. Focus on appreciating who you are and what you have. Even in the moments when life feels unfair or unjust, practice trusting the Creator only wants goodness for you and is always trying to teach you in order to help you grow.


  1. Parents: Monica Berg, in her book Fear is Not an Option, shares that many approaches to overcoming fear focus on coping. Monica’s assertion, on the other hand, is that we shouldn’t settle for coping – we want to and CAN release and overcome our fears entirely. We don’t want to live with or tolerate our fears – we want to eliminate them. CLICK HERE for specific exercises designed to help you eradicate your most pressing fears.
  2. Kids: This month, anytime you experience worries, uncertainty, or nervousness, practice sharing your feelings with your parents. Sometimes when we feel these challenging emotions, it is difficult to describe them, or we are scared to let other people know we’re experiencing them because we think they’re “wrong” or “bad.” Remember, these feelings are totally natural; everyone feels these feelings from time to time. The more you practice verbalizing what you’re feeling, the easier it becomes, and you will find that the people who love you just want to support you and understand you more than you realize. Also, notice how the more you openly express these feelings, the more the feelings lessen in intensity.

