Making Space for Love

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Making Space for Love

Karen Berg
February 11, 2024
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This article was previously published in 2018.

When it comes to the matter of love, absence makes the heart grow fonder. When two people in love become separated, they desire strongly to be reunited. Their love builds and the longing to once again be together stirs into their souls. When I think of our relationship to the Creator, I see this same kind of deep and profound love. We desire to be with the Creator yet, it is said, the Creator wishes to be with us even more. During times of trouble and adversities, we can often times feel a great distance from the Light. It is during these times that we develop a greater desire to unite with it. This desire to reunite with the Creator is our journey in life. Like two people in love who have been separated, every moment is spent attempting to reunite — searching for a way back to each other. This week, we prepare our minds, bodies, and spirits to unite fully with the Creator. We prepare to rejoin the greatest love of all time — the love between our souls, and the Lightforce of God. 

“This week, we prepare our minds, bodies, and spirits to unite fully with the Creator, and with the energy of love.”

Our portion this week is Terumah. The Israelites have found themselves on a new spiritual path and have gone through a spiritual awakening in the process. After having left their slavery in Egypt, they have begun to develop a personal relationship with the Creator. Moses is preparing them for their next step in this process. An immense amount of Light is about to be revealed to them, so the Creator informs Moses that the time has come to begin to create a space for the incoming Light to dwell. The Israelites begin constructing the dwelling space known as the Tabernacle. It will house all the information and energy the Israelites have received since exiting Egypt. The Israelites continue to further make the effort and do what is necessary to unite and join the Creator. Like a great lost love, both the Creator and the Israelites are working toward reuniting. This is why the portion of Terumah is often said to help people find love and bring marriage. If we desire it, we too, can be on a path of spirituality and uniting with the Creator. This week we may sense the increased desire to study, meditate, and connect more. We can sense this great longing rising in us like a mighty sun. We feel the time has come to prepare and to join it once again.

The Israelites discovered in order to manifest blessings into their lives, a vessel, or dwelling space must be created. No ocean or lake can exist without the earth providing an opening for it to exist. If we are open to becoming closer to the Creator, to walking a path that will usher more blessings and good fortune into our lives, it will help us to create a space for this Light to enter.

So maybe now we are wondering what is our Tabernacle? What is our dwelling? What do we build? 

Our Tabernacle is simple desire. Desire to be with the Creator creates the space we need to house Him in our hearts. Desire allows the Light to come into our lives. Where the Israelites needed to build something physical, we, if we are open to it, can build the non-physical structure of desire within our hearts. Just the simple desire to be with the Creator will cause His Light to rush into our hearts and minds. 

“We can begin to see the spiritual journey as a homecoming to the greatest relationship ever known.”

Once a student asked her teacher where her spiritual path was. She explained to her teacher she had been searching for her next step but could not find it. The teacher told her that just by the fact she is searching for her path means that she is on it.

To be on a path to reunite with the Creator is a true merit. For many people, this journey is not forefront in their lives. However, often times, we only appreciate something when it is gone. It’s only then our love consciously awakens to it, and we start to do whatever it takes to get back what we once had.

At one point, we were one with the Creator. Before our journey to this world, we were in complete unification with the Light. Now, our path in this world is to restore that relationship. In this way, we can begin to see the spiritual journey as a homecoming to the greatest relationship ever known.

This week in your meditations, envision someone who you love. Perhaps it is a spouse, or parent, or friend, or partner. Feel the love the two of you have. A love where you both are willing to help each other when in need. A love of great care and compassion. A love where it is no question you would sacrifice yourself for the other. Now take this love and widen it further. Widen it like the sky. Widen it until you can imagine the seismic love the Creator has for you. The greatest love of all is in your heart. Feel it expand into your chest. Take a deep slow breath in and then out. The Creator wants you to join Him again. Feel the desire in you building for the peace, blessings, fulfillment and so much more that comes from the Creator. Feel the great love there. 

This week we prepare for this great love. As we soon as enter the final month of the Zodiac, we can foresee the completion of this journey. We can feel the onset of the time when we, and all the inhabitants of Earth, finally unite with the Creator eliminating all pain, sadness, and suffering. We have felt an absence for far too long. Our hearts have grown so fond. We are ready to join this great love once and for all.

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