Quarterly Donor Impact Report – October 2022
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Quarterly Donor Impact Report – October 2022

Michael Berg
November 7, 2022
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See how your support makes a difference!

In my line of work, I have the merit to meet people every day who truly want to change the world. At The Kabbalah Centre, we believe that global change is attainable. In order to change the world, we need to reach every person who wants to join, every person who wants to eliminate pain and suffering from our reality.

The mission of The Kabbalah Centre is a lofty one: To remove pain and suffering from the world. We do so by continuing to spread the wisdom of Kabbalah and the Light of the Zohar in more ways to more people. And we do it with the help of each and every student. Your generosity fuels all of the projects that support the dissemination of this transformative wisdom, which is reaching more people than ever before. To further illustrate the powerful impact your support has, please enjoy this video Monica and I put together:


The mission of The Kabbalah Centre is the removal of all pain and suffering in the world. Your gifts allow for constant creativity and development as we work to bring humanity closer to this reality by spreading consciousness in ways that reach a variety of audiences – including through new books and mobile apps.

Here are some projects you’ve helped make possible in the last three months:

  • I’m very proud to announce that my wife Monica and daughter Abigail’s first book, The Gift of Being Different, became available on Amazon in October!


  • TLE Volume 1, titled “The Origins of Consciousness: A Study of the Ten Luminous Emanations,” By Rav Ashlag, Commentary by Michael Berg has finished design and will be released early next year.
  • A Torah in Karen Berg’s honor was completed in Israel and was the channel of Light during this year’s Rosh Hashanah connection in New York.


  • Kabbalah teachers have begun to record the complete reading of the Zohar for the Zohar App.
  • Zohar Project volunteers made their way to communities facing political distress, violence, and war. Zohars were given to a Colombian ex-president and the president-elect.
  • Zohar Project volunteers covered the borders in Europe along Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, and Moldova.


Additionally, you’ve helped make a difference in our spreading of Kabbalah. In the past three months, we’ve added:

  • 5,200 new students
  • 2,200 Onehouse Community Membership subsidies
  • 1,600 Students in a Kabbalah 1 course
  • 140 Teens and Pre-teens in a Kabbalah 1 course designed just for youths
  • 383 Students in The Kabbalah Effect with Eitan Yardeni and David Ghiyam
  • 8,000 Views of the teen YouTube series, “How to Be”
  • Over 4500 students connecting to Rosh Hashanah online and in-person
  • Nearly 300 Students sponsored for in-person Rosh Hashanah connections in NY

It bears repeating: we could not be doing any of this important, life-changing work without your generosity and support. I am truly grateful and inspired by you every day. Thank you.

With gratitude,

Michael Berg

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