Astrology Forecast for September 3-9, 2023
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Astrology Forecast for September 3-9, 2023

Batsheva Shouster
September 3, 2023
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We just passed the Full Moon of Virgo, the moon phase that opens the week in Aries. This combination of fire and earth is not an easy mix because the fire element goes outward and wants expansion, while the earth element goes inward and wants to preserve. However, this aspect improves our technology skills and ability to work with details quickly. It can also help us with the process of introspection that comes with teshuvah.

Teshuvah is the process of removing the spiritual weight and negativity we have created in the past and is holding us back from connecting to the Lightforce of the Creator. This process assists us during Rosh Hashanah. This cosmic window in time will come in less than two weeks. Rosh Hashanah coincides with the New Moon of Libra, when our souls are essentially standing on a scale. During this time, our health, continuity, and sustenance are determined for the year to come. The fewer spiritual weights we carry, the better the results will be. 

On Monday, the moon moves to Taurus, and it will conjunct Jupiter and Uranus. This offers us an opportunity to think in a different and more original way. If there is emotional turbulence, remember not to get into emotional drama. Look deep within and do not be afraid to see negativity because there is Light hidden there. It is recommended to move through this process with guidance, whether it is your Kabbalah teacher or an Astrologer. Great growth can come.

When we look closely at our fears, the point is not to stay there but to find the Light. For example, if there is a fear of confrontation or a fear of being rejected, try to find what stands behind it, what leads to this fear. Do the same for anger. You can use kabbalistic tools and guidance for direction. 

Venus has been retrograde in Leo for a while, and this week it ends. On Sunday, Venus is stationed to go direct, and finally, whatever we desire in love and money can manifest. Things will move along once your heart moves along. 

Mercury, the ruler of Virgo retrograde, will be in a precise conjunction to the sun on Wednesday. Try to separate your thoughts from who you are. Pay attention to what you are welcoming into your mind, what information you are bringing in, and how it serves you. What excuses are you making? For example, becoming angry because it makes you feel good about yourself. Or shying away from confrontation because you are afraid to step up and be rejected.

This week the universe tells us that our work is between ourselves and our souls, between ourselves and the Lightforce of the Creator. We cannot run away. We may tell stories to others, but we need to identify what stories we tell ourselves, especially this month. 

Mars, the planet of motivation, is in Libra and opens the week with a quincunx to Saturn retrograde in Pisces. Mars is all about the “me,” and Libra is all about the “other.” Fairness is important to us here. It is important to understand what our true goals in life are and to work on perseverance. Whatever we choose to do, we do it because we want to manifest the power of our soul, and the only way we can do it is through action. We do it by investing our energy in the right place. Do not try to be too moral or seek superficial balance. Look deeply into life and see the cause and the effect. 

Tuesday, Jupiter in Taurus goes retrograde until the end of December. Look for the blessings you have and appreciate them. 

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