Astrology Forecast for September 17-23, 2023
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Astrology Forecast for September 17-23, 2023

Batsheva Shouster
September 18, 2023
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Rosh Hashanah has just ended, a day when the seed level of judgment was removed. However, our souls are still in cosmic renovation for 20 more days. Let’s see what’s on our plate.

We are still in the New Moon phase, and the moon opens the week in Libra, so we will desire fairness and balance. The moon conjunct Mars in Libra, which can bring some emotional frustration or the feeling of not being heard. The moon will also conjunct the South Node, which may bring up a situation where we feel like we’ve compromised on who we are. We now have an opportunity to reverse it as we are in the seed level of the year to come. 

Mars in Libra is not happy. It is strong in Aries (the opposite sign), where individuality reigns. But in Libra, it is more concerned about others and how they see us. Mars in Libra can be smooth, knowing how to manipulate. But it is also aware of the needs of others and has the ability to work as a team. Mars can also help us to choose what is important to us in our lives. It all depends on how we use those aspects. 

Venus, this time direct in Leo, squares for the last time this year to Jupiter in Taurus. Jupiter just turned retrograde, and it can help us reflect on the things that are important to us, what we value. The square with Venus will amplify this. With Jupiter also in a remote conjunction with Uranus, we can awaken our originality. 

Mercury in Virgo finished its retrograde motion, and we can put into practice what we have learned in the past three weeks. Mercury is happy to be in Virgo now. And when we acknowledge and appreciate who we are and what our process is, we gain wisdom and insight about how to continue projects or move through situations. By the end of the week, the sun will move to Libra. 

Until Next Sunday, every day will affect the same day throughout the year. Meaning, this Sunday will affect all the Sundays in this kabbalistic year. Monday will affect all the Mondays, and so on. These days are called the Ten Days of Introspection. They correspond to the Ten Emanations from the Tree of Life. We all have the Tree of Life within us. It is a divine system, and our job is to activate it. During this time, we receive an opportunity to remove judgment from each Sefira—from each frame of reference. The judgment that blocks the flow of Light in each Sefira is what prevents us from achieving greatness in our lives. 

Positively impacting the days of the year seems like a lot of responsibility. And it is! Rav Berg taught that we have the ability to control reality, to use “mind over matter.” But the first order of business is to truly control our minds, to control our reactivity. In doing so, we will be able to connect to a higher and deeper level of existence, awakening blessings in each area of our lives: family, career, friends, money, and so on.

The planets this week show where challenges can arise and what to expect. Remember, the ultimate goal is to have a blessed year. The question we should ask is: What is more important to me at this moment? To awaken blessings for the year or to react in this situation? Have a great week and a blessed Kabbalistic year!

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