Happy Kabbalistic New Year, everyone!
The first month of the kabbalistic New Year comes with much-needed clarity and forward momentum. Although Rosh Hashanah is not the start of the Gregorian calendar year, it is the beginning of a new spiritual year and brings powerful opportunities. The holiday always takes place at the precise moment in time when the cosmos is aligned for ultimate cleansing and renewal. It is truly the beginning of the spiritual year.
Rosh Hashanah is literally a window in time. For these two days—and only these two days—we have a chance to correct any and all negative actions we have performed over the past twelve months. And by doing so, we can completely remove any negative effects from those actions for the coming year.
What’s more, the opportunity we have at Rosh Hashanah is not limited to the year that’s just ending. Kabbalah teaches that every year is a microcosm of our entire lives, even of lifetimes that have come before. So, the actions of the past year that we now need to address express the negativity our souls have been striving to correct lifetime after lifetime. Rav Berg taught that it is our job to commit to deep soul-searching before Rosh Hashanah and notice what changes have occurred since one year ago. Change is a must. As long as we are here on this earth, we are meant to grow and transform. Look for the shifts that have occurred in your life since last year. Think about the changes you want to make in the coming year.
Astrologically speaking, with Pluto’s retrograde reentry into Capricorn, all of humanity is being offered a chance to reflect and to heal. This coming year of 2024 raises some serious questions about what makes us happy and fulfilled in our lives. Take note of the gap between where we are now versus where we truly want to be. For the rest of 2023, think of yourself as being in “recovery mode.” That means getting yourself ready for some big breakthroughs and changes when Pluto returns to Aquarius on January 20th, 2024. That’s really just a few months from now! Inner work and reflection this year will lay the foundation for that upcoming change.
Of course, things don’t always get better in the blink of an eye. What echoes inside of you reflects on the outside and ultimately helps everyone to create a better future. That is humanity’s mission for the next couple of decades. This New Year, the world is about to change. It's the beginning of a new era and a new you. Can you feel the wind of change? Maybe you can’t really put your finger on it. Or perhaps you are already aware of what’s up for a change. This window in time, called Rosh Hashanah, is a period of transition and transformation.
Every astrology transit comes with a unique opportunity. Mercury goes direct on Rosh Hashanah day (September 15th) to allow us an honest conversation with our souls. Later in October, we have Pluto going direct, followed by Mars entering Scorpio. And then there is a New Moon solar eclipse! That is some very intense energy. Working with those energies is not easy, but the journey is totally worth it. Just like a diamond emerges when exposed to high pressure, a new and better version of yourself will come to life when you do the “work.”
In January of 2024, Pluto transits into Aquarius. This is our opportunity to co-create with the universe and transform our lives in ways we’ve never done before. Sometimes, we resist change, and we stick to the familiar in a very “I know what to do” kind of way. The last thing we want to do is get stuck in the past or in old ways of doing things. Some areas of our lives come to a natural end. When one door closes, another one always opens.