Astrology Forecast for the Month of Pisces I, 2024
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Astrology Forecast for the Month of Pisces I, 2024

Ruth Nahmias
February 6, 2024
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As you may have already heard by now, Pluto has moved into Aquarius. THIS IS BIG. It may be the most important aspect of the year and one of the most important of the decade. Even of the century! Here we are—the world is changing. On January 20th, Pluto moved into Aquarius. Life and the world as we know it will never be the same. 

“Life and the world as we know it will never be the same.”

Pluto will spend the next two decades in Aquarius, transforming the collective AND the individual in profound ways. Pluto only changes signs once every 20 years, and the last time Pluto was in Aquarius was in the 17th century! When this does occur, our focus shifts to completely new areas. In the last 15 years, while Pluto was in Capricorn, our focus was on eliminating patriarchal systems. But when Pluto entered Aquarius, the focus shifted to a completely new area. What was at the top of our minds and an everyday reality for the past 15 years will no longer be relevant. 

When a slow-moving planet like Pluto changes signs, we usually go through some sort of transition period and transformation. Change can be exciting and exhilarating! Every transit in this power comes with a unique opportunity. We can look at Pluto in Aquarius as an opportunity to co-create with the universe and transform our lives in ways we’ve never done before. This is how powerful Pluto in Aquarius is. 

“We can look at Pluto in Aquarius as an opportunity to co-create with the universe…”

Sometimes, we resist change because we are afraid of the unknown. And while sticking to the familiar may make sense in many situations, when Pluto changes signs, the last thing we want to do is get stuck in the past. Pluto’s key function is CHANGE. Pluto wants to keep the engine of the universe going. As February clears the way for everyone to follow through on these amazing changes, this New Moon of Pisces I sets the tone for our success in the long run. 

This month, we may feel inspired to let go of the fears of the past and embrace the new waves of changes, waves of cosmic blessings. This Pisces season holds another very powerful aspect: Pluto conjunct Mars! This gives us the power to break free from old molds and negative habits. When Mars conjunct Pluto, there is tremendous power and energy revealed. This is the time to “kick the ball forward and let it roll.”

READ: A Monthly Guide for Parents: Pisces

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