Astrology Forecast for the Month of Aquarius 2022
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Astrology Forecast for the Month of Aquarius 2022

Kabbalah Centre
December 31, 2021
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Getting Clear on Goals

We are in the midst of winter, and the New Year is tickling with excitement and bringing fresh hope for a successful year. It will be a year in which we can love and be loved, a year when we can be understood. There is new hope that we can be free and live the life we deserve.

We start the New Year when the sun and moon are in the sign of Capricorn and trine Uranus, allowing us to make simple and clear resolutions. Capricorn, the sign of doing and manifesting, sees the goal and commits to achieving it. The trine to Uranus, the planet of freedom and independence, is a positive relationship and allows us to set goals with great excitement.

Be open for things to be done a little differently. Look to goals without being attached to the way they need to be achieved. There are always more ways, new ideas, and different angles we can be open to. The less attached we are, the better the flow and the better our chances to achieve what we aim for.

Saturn squares Uranus during the year of 2021. On December 23rd, it is still squaring on the New Moon chart, which asks us to maintain good foundations, yet rebuild and remodel upon those strong foundations.

We have two planets at zero degrees on the New Moon chart, meaning those planets have just entered into a new sign. Mercury enters the sign of Aquarius, and Jupiter enters the sign of Pisces. Mercury at zero degrees with Aquarius indicates a new age and a new way of thinking. Think, brilliant, divine inspiration, light bulbs, ah-ha moments, and unique ideas.

After being tested by the energy of Jupiter in Pisces from May 14th to June 28th of 2021, Jupiter enters Pisces again and stays there until May 11th of 2022. It will then go back to Pisces on October 29th until December 19th of this year. Try to remember what kind of processes you started on those dates (May 14 – June 28, 2021). Jupiter in Pisces helps our consciousness to find home. We can better understand situations on a spiritual level, discover our spiritual roots, and tap into transcendence.

Jupiter, the ruler of Pisces, is without boundaries and will connect us with our creative side, which we all have—we just need to try and see it.

Meditation, music, poetry, singing, and dancing can connect us to our higher selves. However, remember that even with a giant boundaryless planet and sign, there are still some boundaries we must keep. Avoid getting too involved in the business of others. You can help or make a suggestion, but don’t try to save others unless you feel like becoming the victim. Instead of asking yourself, “Why me?” when going through a crisis, ask, “What am I going to do about this?” Reframe your thinking: “Help me find the strength to overcome whatever comes my way.” This is our best opportunity to connect to the miracles and positive boundarylessness of this planet and sign.

Mercury is trine the North Node in Gemini and sextile the South Node in Sagittarius.

The nodes are portals of karma that have to do with our destiny. They change signs every 18 months, and we are in the last few days of the nodes in Gemini and Sagittarius

when the nodes are about to change to Taurus and Scorpio on January 18th. Yet, in the chart of the New Moon, they are still in Gemini and Sagittarius, giving us one more opportunity to get clear about the reality we are living in and become aware of what is going on in our lives.

Are the goals we set for ourselves reasonable? Can we make them happen? Do we have the talent, the means, and the ability to make them happen? Are we willing to do whatever it takes to meet these goals?

Many times, we have it all: the talent, the care, and the desire, but we simply don’t believe we can do it. Did you check your belief system about your capabilities to be successful in what you are seeking? Having a dream is a great thing. As we know from our studies of Kabbalah, when we have a desire for something, we can make it happen. Clarity is important. Be real with yourself about where you are right now. Once you get clear, it is a go.

Jupiter squaring the nodes in the chart of the New Moon means a karmic crossroads.

Things can go extreme either way, positive or challenging (which in the big picture is also positive!) Either way, it is by divine interference concerning our work in life. Positive attitudes always make things much better. We have everything we need to choose well.

READ: A Monthly Guide for Parents: Aquarius

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