Astrology Forecast for March 12-18, 2023
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Astrology Forecast for March 12-18, 2023

Batsheva Shouster
March 12, 2023
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This week we learn the importance of our spiritual environment. Rav Ashlag, the visionary of the Kabbalah Centre, explains the tremendous influence our environment has on us. It can determine our frame of mind, our thoughts, and our desires. When our environment supports us, we can feel nourished, safe, and secure with more confidence to follow our hearts.

As we start this week, the chart has five planets in water. (Five!) Saturn just moved into Pisces, where it will be for the next two and a half years. Saturn will create order for all that is connected to the sign of Pisces. Most importantly, it will influence our spirituality. Pisces sees the unity that exists in the universe. It sees that our physical reality is a reflection of our thoughts. However, the challenge with Pisces is that because it sees the illusion of the physical world, it can behave passively and be slow to take action. Action in our world is what creates movement, happiness, progress, and fulfillment. It is a state of mind.

The sun, Mercury, and Neptune are in Pisces now, and the moon starts the week in Scorpio. When there is an excess of water in the chart, there is greater intuition and deeper understanding. The goal here is to speak up and communicate more (Mercury is the communication planet, and in Pisces, it does not communicate much). Be vulnerable, yet don't expect others to understand your thoughts on a psychic level. Our job this week is to speak up and not to hide who we are on the inside.

A square between Mars and Neptune can blur our desires and make our nervous system more sensitive to chemicals or substances. This square can also create a bit of confusion regarding goals and desires, as the water element is prone to depression and escapism. Be careful of exposing yourself to toxins since the response can be amplified this week and create damage in the long run.

If you have a desire to escape, experiment with art, painting, dancing, or anything creative that can help you express yourself. Make sure that when you speak, you do it in clear words in order to avoid frustration and anger. Stay true to your desires and your soul.

Jupiter in Aries can help us in the happiness department. Tap into this week's earth element by going for a walk in nature, sitting under a tree, or even standing barefoot on mother earth to receive wisdom. This is a great week for meditation and spiritual connections. Use the 72 Names of God meditation for overcoming fears and meditation for happiness.

Monday through Wednesday, the moon will move to Sagittarius, adding some fire and positivity to the week. On Wednesday, the moon will then move into Capricorn, adding positive intuition and the ability to manifest. But the moon in Capricorn is not known for being very positive, so try to awaken inner appreciation and love for what you have in your life.

This week, focus on choosing a supportive environment. If you live near a Kabbalah Centre, go and participate in one of the connections. If not, invite your friends for a group meditation and enjoy the natural boost of being in good company.

READ: A Monthly Guide for Parents: Pisces 2023

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