Astrology Forecast for July 18-24, 2021
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Astrology Forecast for July 18-24, 2021

Rachel Itic
July 18, 2021
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We are under the last rays of the sun in the sign of Cancer as we prepare for its arrival in Leo on July 22nd. The sun in Cancer connects us with love, sensitivity, and our emotions. Now that it moves into Leo, it will make us feel more self-confident and stronger—pushing us to take center stage and possibly a leadership role. We feel this despite the fact that the lunar cycle has taken its path through the sign of Leo since July 10th, that is, in the kabbalistic month of Av. From that date, we were already feeling the leonine energy. However, the passage from the king of the sky to this sign will intensify the attributes of the lion, especially since the sun is the star that governs and nourishes it. This also makes it the best place to gain fortitude and shine. These attributes are very noticeable in the natives of this sign, as they always attract attention.

At this time, the lunar cycle is in the first quarter, which brings with it a wave of willpower and energy. However, kabbalistically speaking, we know that within this period are the most negative days of the year and that day by day, this energy will intensify until we reach the 9thof Av (from July 17th at night until sunset on the 18th). The 9th of the month of Leo, also known as Tisha B’Av, is a day of polarity because it is on this day that negative forces are said to have permission to operate freely, while we know that it is also a day of great revelation of Light.

Several events of destruction occurred on this date, such as the destruction of the two Temples, the expulsion of the Jews from Spain at the time of the inquisition, as well as the final solution in the Nazi period. Yet, it is known that we can also achieve the final redemption and the arrival of the consciousness of Messiah on this day. Kabbalah teaches that on this day, we can destroy all the negativity and chaos of the world at the seed level, precisely because on this day, all aspects of negative consciousness are fully present and revealed. This gives us the opportunity to remove negativity. As Rav Berg expresses in his book Days of Power, “Yet because Light and darkness cannot exist in the same place, the only day on which chaos can be removed from the world or the Holy Temple can be destroyed is on Tisha B’Av. This is the great paradox of the holiday, and also its great importance. At times, chaos has ruled on Tisha B’Av, but great Light can also be revealed on that day—a Light that can enable the birth of Messiah."

After this controversial day, the energy evolves into one of the highest days of the year: the Full Moon of Aquarius, Tu B’Av, on the 15th of the month of Leo (July 23rd at night until sunset on the 24th). Every 15th of the month, the sun is in front of the moon, making an opposition, an aspect that we know as the Full Moon. Kabbalistically speaking, during a Full Moon, there is a unification between Zeir Anpin(masculine principle) and Malchut (feminine principle). In this phase, the moon is filled with the light of the sun, giving rise to an energy of completeness, which is why the moon is fully illuminated. This phase gives us brilliance and splendor; it is a moment of culmination, and it is the highest point of the month, which brings harmony and balance.

In this month, the sun is stronger than ever because the sign of Leo sends its greatest power: the revelation of the total force of this star is the revelation of the Light of Zeir Anpin, a channel through which the divine Light descends into this world. The sun and the month of Leo can channel Light and life. In fact, Av means “father.” Yet, too much Light can lead to chaos and destruction, like what happened on the 9thof Av. However, on the 15th of Av, the moon brings balance.

Leo and Aquarius are opposite and complementary signs—the former seeks prominence, and the latter seeks equality and fraternity in balance. As a result, these two energies can bring connection with self-love and security in ourselves. Aquarian energy emphasizes the power of equality and knowing that others matter, that is, "love your neighbor as yourself." This is the energy of Unconditional Love, which is available during Tu B’Av. In fact, there is a tradition of seeking a partner on this day or strengthening relationships. Kabbalistically, this is considered the Day of Love and one of the highest cosmic windows.

We cannot disregard the transit of the moon through the zodiac signs, which color the energy of each day. On Sunday the 18th and Monday the 19th, our satellite will be in Scorpio. These days will be intense, filled with passionate emotions and great sensitivity; try not to control or manipulate. Tuesday the 20th and Wednesday the 21st, the moon will be in Sagittarius, bringing days of optimism, adventure, and fun. During these days, we will be open to broadening our horizons, and study is beneficial. We can feel strengthened, however, be careful not to be self-centered or selfish, since with this moon position and with the sun in Leo, we can tend to be too focused on ourselves. On Thursday the 22nd and Friday the 23rd, with the moon in Capricorn, seriousness and responsibility will rule. So it is not advisable to confront authority, and it is advisable to follow the rules. The gift of these days will be the high capacity to work, structure, and organize. Saturday the 24th and Sunday the 25th, the moon will be in Aquarius. These days will fill us with the need to free ourselves and break structures and routines. They are days when we tend to feel unique and special and seek to be independent and very social, although not very emotional. Beware of erratic and unconventional behavior.

On July 21st, Venus—the planet of love, relationships, and harmony—will change from Leo to Virgo. The change will be imminent: from the noble, romantic, demanding, majestic, and vain love of the lion, to a docile, disinterested, fussy, and shy love, with a more austere expression of affection on the part of the virgin. We will all be under this influence in which judgment will be stronger than emotion.

This week includes Shabbat Nachamu, which is the day of consolation. It is a day that gives us hope and connects us with the energy of the Final Redemption. This Shabbat always comes after Tisha B’Av,and we read the portion of Va’etchanan, which means "and he begged." Moshe begged the Creator to allow him to enter the land of Israel, but this begging is not really for the Creator; it is for us, and it helps us to connect with humility. It helps us to remove veils and layers of negativity from our ego and desire to receive for ourselves. Leo has this to learn: he is not the source, he is not the center of the universe, and his goal is humility.

It is a week of polarity with a great revelation of Light. It is up to us to decide how to connect to it.

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