Astrology Forecast for November 23-29, 2014

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Astrology Forecast for November 23-29, 2014

Yael Yardeni
November 23, 2014
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I hope you guys are still in one piece after the month of Scorpio! Last month was really intense, to say the least! Thank God, we are entering the new moon of Sagittarius!

The cosmic atmosphere will get a lot better in Sagittarius, which is technically the exact opposite of Scorpio. Where a Scorpio is controlling and tough, a Sag is ok with everything, flowing in a "Whatever!" sort of way. The fiery energy of Sag will gradually enter the cosmos in the next ten days. And soon there will be an everything is possible energy in the cosmos.

Everything we said about Scorpio has to be reversed to understand the energy we are about to enter this month.

Happy go lucky, ready for anything, adventurers in many ways, and with no desire whatsoever to control anything in their lives, Sagittarians are renowned for their spontaneity and their caustic sense of humor. They are also known for their terrible lack of tact and responsibility—the Sag is the typical last guy! They want to take a bite out of life, yet are not the most mature people we will ever encounter.

Sagittarians have great teaching talents because their intellect is dominant; they are the air of the fire, the most intellectual of all fire signs. Because of the air component, many Sagittarians have huge issues with commitment in their lives. This is particularly true for love relationships. Some Sagittarians are famous for their propensity to run after every skirt!

Their honesty fluctuates. Not every Sag is as honest as we might think. Some Sagittarians are great gamblers or very clever thieves and swindlers! Stalin was a Sagittarius—yikes! Needless to say, Sagittarians already know everything you are about to tell them, that’s why they don’t make such great listeners. They are much more at ease in the intellectual sphere than the emotional sphere.

They often own complete bookcases of self-improvement books and become very excited by new concepts and learning opportunities. We call them the “spiritual surfers” of the zodiac. Unfortunately, they often lack the patience to pursue their studies until the end, and just roam the surface of all kind of topics.

Many Sagittarians are fearless adventurers and great sportsmen, and can be easily recognized by the way they walk—always with a target, always in a hurry. Gifted with jovial and childlike eyes, it’s often difficult to resist them. Their drive will always be a challenge. They feed on impossible missions and some are real adrenaline junkies. Ruled by gigantic Jupiter, Sagittarians do not know measure and balance. The planet of growth will push them to always do everything in excess: drinking, eating, dating, working, having fun, gambling, etc. The concept of the Central Column sounds super boring to them!

Their physical weaknesses are the thighs, tendons, and muscles, which they always pull, as well as the liver—they can be very angry people when they don’t get their way. Better consultants or freelancers than employees, they often choose careers as intellectuals (for example, Woody Allen) or journalists fighting for great causes. Many photographers are born under that sign because of their very sharp vision and their great love for travel.

What a great energy to download this new moon! So, what's our homework this week?

Peace comes first! The moon and Venus are united this week, so we have the power to wipe away bad karma we have with one another. We would do well to take a pen and paper and write down the name of someone we need to create harmony with, then take the first step.

As it happens, the Aramaic name for Jupiter (this month’s ruler) is Tzedek or justice. Simply put, it’s a very important week to reflect on the times that we have involuntarily wronged people in the past. This is THE moment to make things right. It’s a great time to pick up the phone and say, "Wow…I am so sorry, I have made a terrible mistake!"

The second order of business is to train ourselves to see the silver lining on every dark cloud. This week’s chart is flowing, open, and is preparing us for many upcoming gifts. We just need a new pair of binoculars!

This is enough to keep us busy for a while!

Have a great and fruitful month!


