Astrology Forecast for March 16-22, 2014

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Astrology Forecast for March 16-22, 2014

Yael Yardeni
March 16, 2014
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Hi everyone! Right now we are at the peak of the second month of Pisces, and it’s as good as it's going to get!

This week contains the second full moon of Pisces (Adar II), which is a very important astrological event and cosmic window for all of mankind. Twice a year a cosmic window opens up under planet Jupiter's influence, allowing the impossible to happen. The first one is during Chanukah, the holiday of Light under the sign of Sagittarius. The second window is occurring right now, and it’s called Purim.

What are we required to do in order to connect with this window of energy? This time the answer is unbelievably simple—one little 3-letter word: JOY. To access the second window of miracles of the year, all we need is simply JOY! I am tempted to tell everyone to watch the movie, “Zorba the Greek” for this one!

Of course, there has to be a challenge of some sort in order for us to draw this energy: and the challenge is the watery and teary energy of Pisces. Who would want to laugh when we feel a tear rolling down our cheeks from the oversensitivity we are swimming in right now? The kabbalists! They wouldn't want to miss this yearly window at all!

So, let’s talk about what joy represents spiritually and what consciousness is expected from us during the week.

First, let me state that all of us are on very different journeys in our lives, and sometimes the word joy almost sounds like an insult. How can we have joy when something difficult just happened to us, or when something terrible has occurred?

How is that humanly possible? How is it possible for a Scrooge to suddenly stand up and do a happy dance? It sounds really, really far-fetched. And why is that? It's because we are connecting with external events and not enough with our souls.

Rav Brandwein, Rav Berg’s teacher, once told him, “Look at life, it’s a blink of an eye!” Things happen all the time—sometimes difficult things, which have already affected our past. We cannot let them affect our future as well.

This week, the planets are helping us since a lot of Aries energy has been released and planted for us in the cosmos. That fiery energy can really help us escape from the Piscean tissues! Aries is the first born, the child of the zodiac. And how does a child act? He looks at everything in an open, wondrous way. A child doesn't judge; he does not know how to. Many young children don’t know hatred, or divisions, or social conflicts unless adults tell them. A child sees another and asks him simply, “Would you like to play?”

I am currently blogging from Tel Aviv, where my husband and I (and the dog!) have moved to be a part of the Kabbalah Centre’s Middle East branch. The Centre supports an amazing program here called KCP (Kids Creating Peace). Every year Palestinian and Israeli children spend weeks in a summer camp together, really bonding and loving each other, as well as learning spiritual concepts. It's amazing to see how simple things can be when we are kids.

Guys, this is THE week when we need our inner child to reach out, take us by the hand, and show us how many wonderful things exists around us. This is the week to look at everything around us with the eyes of a child, discovering and loving everything that we see. The real source of joy is that connection we have with our soul, our child within.

So, the plan of attack is as follows: Saturday night and Sunday the 16th be merry, open your hearts, share with those around you, look at life like a child. For those near a local Kabbalah Centre, many connections will occur. Don't forget to be in touch!

This week, add as many acts of kindness to your day as you can. It's completely OK to become loving for one week (and hopefully more). No more “What's in it for me? Can I trust them? To be or not to be…” etc. This week is all about simple love, simple Light! And the window of miracles will open up for us.

Happy Purim Everyone!

Love and Light,

