Astrology Forecast for February 2-8, 2014

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Astrology Forecast for February 2-8, 2014

Yael Yardeni
February 2, 2014
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Hi everyone! This week we are starting a brand new lunar month. Pisces is in, Aquarius is out! Let’s see what opportunities this month can offer us to develop and grow.

We'll start with a pop quiz about the Pisces sign—who are these people?

Our Pisces friends are perhaps the most controversial people we have ever met. On the one hand, they are the sweetest, most inspired, supportive, charming, and loving we’ve encountered. And on the other hand, complete!

Pisces are characterized by a vague and dreamy look. They usually have big round eyes that look at us with so much compassion, it makes us melt… and gets us angry sometimes! Getting a Pisces to move forward is like trying to push the ocean to one side of the planet; it just doesn’t work. Even God had to personally convince Moses (the super Pisces) to take the Hebrews out of Egypt and it took a burning bush and much negotiation.

They are known to be very wise and extremely intelligent people. In kabbalistic astrology they represent the air of the water, which adds a strong intellectual component. Many Pisces have a superior IQ, but are totally clueless when it comes to life. Einstein (a Pisces, also) was a genius in physics, but he couldn’t match his socks properly! In a way, they are a bit estranged from this world and feel a lot more comfortable in their own galaxy. They are also very creative and inventive.

One of the most difficult things for a Pisces to do is properly commit to anything. For one thing, they forget their own commitments. But they can also remind us of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde from time to time.

The symbol of the Pisces is two fish swimming in opposite directions, symbolizing the best and the worst of human nature all at the same time. Many Pisces suffer from a secret addiction or an attraction to the dark side that is likely to be revealed when they die. For example, the grandfather of a Kabbalah Centre student passed away and he was a Pisces. At his funeral, the family noticed 50 people in attendance they had never seen in their lives. The group of strangers pretty much looked like mobsters. That was the grandfather’s “other life.”

The sign of Christianity is also Pisces. Christianity started precisely at the age of Pisces and it emphasized loving your neighbor as yourself, acts of compassion, and charity.

Many Pisces have real issues with money and truly feel it’s “dirty,” so much so that money won’t stick to them. They can also be very irresponsible with it. Many choose to become great philanthropists and share it.

Now that we know all the secrets of this sign, it becomes easier to understand what energy we will be bathing in this month—especially since the chart contains four Pisces planets, and that number will be growing in the following weeks.

Here is our great plan of attack for the month that begins this week:

First—and this is very important—we need to spot our runaway mechanisms and just take the situation head on. If a confrontation comes our way, let’s be happy and simply express what we feel instead of looking for the exit.

Second, this is an amazing time to genuinely start caring for others. It’s the perfect time of the year to awaken compassion and eliminate our judgmental ways, even if it means finding excuses for people. In our minds, it may sometimes sound like this: “OMG! This person is such a cactus…wait they had a terrible childhood. It’s OK, I'll let it pass.” Really!

Third, and most importantly, we need to FEEL AGAIN. In many areas of our lives, we have become numb because it’s complicated or because it hurts. We cannot live life with an anesthetic! The pain and the joy we encounter both exist to help us grow. In the next few weeks, we will have many opportunities to talk about that again.

Let's open up our hearts this week to truly love from the inside out, and to find in ourselves real compassion no matter the situation…no worries! More work to come!

Much love and light,

