Astrology Forecast for December 22-28, 2013

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Astrology Forecast for December 22-28, 2013

Yael Yardeni
December 22, 2013
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Hi everyone! We are now full blown in the lunar month of Capricorn. And thank God—we feel the heaviness of Saturn, its ruler, a lot less than anticipated. Many important planets are still in fiery Sagittarius.

This week's energy is actually all about JUPITER (again!) and the idea this planet always promotes. You've guessed it—expansion! The week's chart opens up with a very strong Leo moon with great aspects to Mercury (the communicator and the brain) and Uranus (the innovator). The 9th house of the chart, the place for high education and knowledge, is also extremely favorable and inspired this week (thanks to Neptune). Altogether, this is clearly a week to learn and expand our minds and our experiences.

The kabbalists have a beautiful way of explaining things. They ask, “Who is a wise man?” and answer, “The one who can learn from everyone.” When we watch our teacher Karen Berg interacting with people, it’s incredible to see her degree of openess and the million of questions she asks.

Often times, we are caught in our insecurities, and the “What are they thinking of me?” mode. This thought is a real blockage to our growth and ability to expand.

This week, we need to realize that all the people in our surroundings—even all the ones we bump into—were placed in our movie to teach us the many things we still need to learn. This is an amazing week to practice a “we” consciousness. We simply need to remember that all we hear is not a coincidence, but a message.

Rav Berg, our teacher, used to say, “People do not understand that when they say the word co-incidence, it means in truth, the opposite of what they think. A co-incidence is two incidents happening in synchronicity to teach us something!”

Our first mission this week is to gain a complete openess and curiosity, and to start asking a billion questions to show the cosmos our will to learn. The second mission is about the famous (and sometimes infamous!) planet Saturn. Saturn, as you all know, is still in Scorpio for a year, and this week Saturn and the moon are caught in a difficult aspect together, since they are 90 degrees from each other.

Here is a very valuable lesson: Saturn represents the IRS, the karma of the zodiac.

Quite often, we invest our Light and energy in building things: relationships, work, friendships, etc., and to be completely honest, it seems we get lemons from it! Not exactly the sweet cake we were expecting. Friendships turn sour, work can create misunderstandings, results are not what we anticipated, etc.

Our “normal” reactions to this are always unpleasant. I know very few people that are naturally stoic and philosophical about the lemons. We either become grumpy like Capricorns (they are ruled by Saturn, so the lemons tend to come quite often in their movies) or we go straight into victim-dot-com!

One thing in our life is inevitable: our tikun or correction (karma, if you prefer). Without a doubt, we came here to better ourselves and correct ourselves. The problem is that we take this correction really, really hard! We go into “What a mistake!” mode, “This is so hard” mode and we get really discouraged.

Kabbalists teach us something amazing: the magic of life is to know we can transform all bad into good. All we need to do is convince ourselves that everything that happens is for the best and genuinely look for that ray of Light or silver lining in every situation.

I know, easier said than done! However, this week is an opportunity to truly understand it. The power of the Light transforms a curse into a blessing. This is the perfect cosmic time to feel it and start living by it.

So, this week let’s try to begin every day reminding ourselves that nothing is a mistake and everything has been planned for the better. And let’s seriously meditate and feel the truth in these words. There is a bigger picture and a higher plan, and the job of the cosmos is solely to make us grow.

Remember, when life sends us lemons, it means it’s time to make a tasty lemonade!

Love to all and have a great week!

