We have just entered into the month of Pisces I. The sun will join in eight days. As we start the week, the moon conjunct Saturn is in Pisces, feeling some emotional limitations. Saturn is the teacher of the zodiac, so when we experience limitations and blockages, there is a journey presenting itself so we can learn how to activate the Light and how to step up and take action. This is the week to learn how to do that. It is all about building our internal temples.
In each one of us, there is the divine system: the tree of life. It exists in a state of potential; only we have the ability to activate and awaken it—nobody else can do it for us. The way to start is by stopping to listen to the internal voices that limit us. Thoughts like, “I am better than…” or “I am the worst…” Recognize them for what they are. Speaking badly about others or waiting for others to fill up the missing parts in our lives only creates separation.
“This week is all about building our internal temples.”
Tuesday, Mars moves to Aquarius. At this time, we have an even more powerful conjunction. Mars and Pluto are both strong and intense planets. Mars in Aquarius needs community or people who think alike. Think: strong social involvement. Mars is a slow planet, so the effect here is stronger. It is important on this day to avoid getting into any kind of violence. If you find yourself getting angry or experiencing a rise in energy, do something constructive and productive with it. You could also go for a run or practice breathing deeply. This is a great time to volunteer and contribute to humanity by engaging with our close communities and learning how to cooperate within them.
On Wednesday, the moon enters Taurus, its place of exultation, calming, and balance. It will conjunct Jupiter, which is a good thing because it helps us emotionally to manifest projects. Thursday, the moon conjunct Uranus, bringing emotional ups and downs but also new understandings of how to deal with things emotionally.