In this week of Miketz, the energy shifts from mutable (Sagittarius season) to cardinal (Capricorn season). The shift will be quite noticeable! After the turbulent eclipse season, where we witnessed chaos in the world, we will be ready for action. This is a time to rewrite our priorities. With so much cardinal fuel in the air, you may want to start to write your New Year’s resolutions a bit earlier than usual—preferably this week during the New Moon (December 13th) when Mercury goes retrograde (from December 13th to January 1st). And like all Mercury retrograde time zones, it’s all about the right timing for communication.
“This is a time to rewrite our priorities.”
This week, we will experience something truly uncommon: the Shabbat, the New Moon, and Chanukah occurring all together. As a result, Zot Chanukah (the last night of Chanukah) happens this week, too. So, we are given a great opportunity to tap into the Ligthforce of the Creator directly without any physical effort. With the wisdom of Kabbalah, we can create the greatest vessel and tap into the greatest quality of Light!
A major figure in the Torah who emerged into the level of Zeir Anpin from this revelation of Light was Joseph, who takes center stage in this week’s portion. Joseph arose from a dungeon (literally!) and overnight became the second in command. As the story goes, Pharaoh had two similar dreams, and no one could interpret them. Can you imagine? No one in the entirety of Egypt could interpret these dreams! Pharaoh had two dreams involving seven ugly and unhealthy cows and seven healthy cows. The ugly, unhealthy cows devoured and completely swallowed up the healthy ones. Pharaoh couldn’t find anyone to provide him with a logical explanation until the wine steward remembered an encounter with Joseph in the dungeon. So they withdrew Joseph from the dungeon, and he interpreted the dreams, explaining that there would be seven plentiful years and seven years of famine.
Miketz, this week’s portion, refers to the last of the two years Joseph was destined to serve in this dungeon. After interpreting the dreams, Pharaoh makes him the second in command, and thus, Joseph goes from slave to the second in command. Joseph, in all of his predicaments, was the controller. Wherever he was, he was in control. What we need to understand is this: when all around us seems like total chaos, the goal is to maintain certainty that this energy is all a process of cleansing. This doesn’t mean that we should be happy when the world is going through difficulty. But this is a good time to rework or reform negative thoughts that are stopping us. Intuition will be easier to access than usual.
“It all depends on the power of our consciousness.”
A few words about the New Moon of Capricorn happening this week… This New Moon marks the beginning of a new cycle. Ideally, we’ve learned a lot about our needs with the recent eclipse set. It’s a time when we can focus on some of the constructive traits of the sign of Capricorn. The sign is hard working, goal orientated, honest, outspoken, and independent. Consider how to positively incorporate these qualities into your life. As we advance, we can focus on goals that will increase our understanding and awareness, give us the courage to expand our horizons, and gain confidence and optimism from a broader perspective. We may also learn from Joseph's determination to achieve his goals. We are setting the stage to reap the rewards for our bravery. This New Moon forms a square with Neptune challenging our certainty and our belief system, just like Joseph had. It all depends on the power of our consciousness.