Astrology Forecast for August 6-12, 2023
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Astrology Forecast for August 6-12, 2023

Rachel Itic
August 6, 2023
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This week we study the portion of Re’eh. The sun gives us the Light to see and gain clarity. And when the sun is in Leo, it illuminates the correct path for us so we can see the good from the bad. Although we always have free will and are constantly challenged by the opponent confusing us, seeing the Light of the Creator in everything connects us with absolute certainty that leads us to make the right decisions.

"When the sun is in Leo, it illuminates the correct path for us."

When we talk about the energy of the week, we must also talk about the lunar phases, since they mark the position of the moon in reference to the sun. It’s all about cycles—depending on the placement of our satellite, light will be reflected and pass through different points, like that of a conjunction in which both luminaries are together, but the moon is not seen.

Then the crescent quarter phase begins, forming a kind of bowl that finally passes into the Full Moon state. At that moment, all the energy of our day star is reflected, and we see it in a circular form. At the end of the cycle, in the last quarter, a bowl is formed again. Each phase gives us the opportunity to connect with a different energy and marks appropriate activities for that period.

This week we have two different lunar phases. From August 1st to 8th, we have the Full Moon, and from August 8th to 12th, we are in the waning quarter. Let's see what each period has to offer.

The Full Moon gives us splendor and brilliance as it reflects the light of the sun with all its strength. That is why this is the best period to spread your wings, be seen, and shine. Activities that have to do with the public and the social are beneficial, like parties, social events, social networking, and communication. Also, this Full Moon is not just any moon. We cannot overlook the sun in Leo at the exact moment of the opposition. Last week, the moon and sun faced each other during the kabbalistic event called Tu B’Av. During that time, these two luminaries created a perfect balance. It is considered one of the highest moments of the year.

"This is the best period to spread your wings, be seen, and shine."

The sun is in its highest position, which is in the sign of Leo, and the moon is in Aquarius. Leo symbolizes the life force, the heart, and with it, love. It is all related to the sun, which represents our potential, royalty, and often privilege. Leo needs to work towards humility and consideration of others. On the contrary, Aquarius represents social welfare and equality. In this full moon, we can reach our potential, self-love, and a higher connection with the Creator. In addition, receiving with the purpose of sharing is the most elevated point of human consciousness. Even though Tu B'Av was last week, we still have the energy of that full moon, so make the most of it by sharing your Light, divine spark, and potential through your gifts. That will bring brightness and success to your life and above all, fulfillment.

After August 8th, the moon is in the last quarter. Beginnings are not recommended at this part of the lunar cycle. It is the last stage of the moon in the sign of Leo; the recommended activities are those of closures. It is the best time of the month to do a cleanse on all levels, from home to body. Reflection and analysis are important, as they help us look back and take stock of what happened this month. Free yourself from what is not working and prepare for a new beginning.

There were not any big energy changes in the sky between this week and the last one, but remember: Venus is retrograde in Leo. Venus represents love and affection, and in its retrograde phase, it creates a gap in love—meaning, we may not feel loved, or we may feel confused about the subject. Expect to be more sensitive and fussier than usual. The best remedy is to seek inner love. The opportunity to work on yourself is the gift of this energy. Above all, be patient and tolerant with your loved ones. Don't demand love, give it. Venus in Leo can make us feel like divas. But nobody owes us anything. If we want love, we must give it.

At the beginning of the week, we will experience a beneficial energy for work and business since we feel more practical and conservative. In the middle of the week, communication and the exchange of ideas is favored. We’ll be more adaptable, curious, and versatile. It’s an excellent time for study, learning, reading, writing, and dialogue. These are days that favor sales. When the weekend rolls around, home and family energy will be available, benefiting household activities such as cooking, cleaning, making repairs, along with other family activities.

READ: A Monthly Guide for Parents: Leo 2023

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