Astrology Forecast for August 13-19, 2023
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Astrology Forecast for August 13-19, 2023

Rachel Itic
August 13, 2023
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We start the week harmoniously. Both the sun and Venus are together in the sign of Leo, which makes the energy in the cosmos stronger. These days will help us be more connected with love and harmony. This energy favors personal relationships, as well as sociability and the desire to be with others. It is a time in which love is felt everywhere. Invest time in relating to others; be affectionate, warm, and friendly. Venus brings attraction, charm, and harmony, so parties and social gatherings are highly favored, especially in the sign of Leo, which leads us to brightness and eccentricity.

In economic matters, we can experience strong expenses and economic loss. Be careful how you handle money, as there is a tendency towards unnecessary luxury and excessive spending. It is time to pay attention and put finances in order.

The sun is the planet of creativity, and Venus brings to that creativity touches of beauty and grace. Take this cosmic gift to create, be it through music, painting, or any artistic endeavor you like. With this energy, talent and beauty sharpen in all we do. The sobriety, elegance, and good taste of Leo, with the grace of Venus, favor anything we want to beautify. So, a makeover is ideal at this time.

Be careful about stepping into the center of attention, selfish tendencies, and ego. More than ever, we must work on humility. The sun and Venus together can make us feel like the world doesn't deserve us.

We cannot ignore that Venus is still in its retrograde phase. This can modify the effect of energy that normally results from the proximity between the sun and the planet of love, intensifying its negative aspects. This may bring confusion in situations of love and economics. However, it can also help us strengthen the balance between self-love and humility. When the sun is in Leo, we are able to see our greatness and brilliance. Retrograde Venus helps us to work on loving ourselves without waiting for that energy to come from the outside.

At the beginning of the week, we have the energy of the waning moon that favors terms and closures. In this period, we are given the opportunity to look at the month that has passed and analyze the things that did not work. It is a moment of reflection, purification, and cleansing. Even physical cleaning and detoxification treatments are favorable! Take the time to notice what challenges you had in this period and how you overcame them. Also, recount your achievements and remember how they made you feel. Identify what worked and what doesn’t work for you anymore.

On the 16th, we celebrate Rosh Chodesh, the head of the month. On this occasion, we begin the month of Virgo. This is the seed time of the next lunar period. On this day, we can control everything that opens up for us in the coming 28 days. In addition, this is the best time to start something, be it a project or a relationship. This is the precise moment that the cosmos marks us to start something important and be able to develop it throughout the month.

The month of Virgo is of great importance since it is the prelude to Rosh Hashanah—a cosmic moment in which we will be judged on our attitudes and actions in the year that is ending. Kabbalistically speaking, we know that if we work on ourselves, look for moments of failure in the past year, and repent and correct our behavior, we can determine what our next year will be like. What better time than the month of Virgo to do Teshuvah? With the detailed vision of Virgo, we can magnify the exercise of seeking out judgment, criticism, and negativity within ourselves. Virgo energy is of great help in preparing for the arrival of this important cosmic opening.

READ: A Monthly Guide for Parents: Leo 2023

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