A New Sun and a New Hope
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A New Sun and a New Hope

Karen Berg
February 18, 2024
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This article was previously published in 2018.

When the sun comes up over the horizon, and its rays begin to brighten all the land, what once was dark becomes full of light. The dark ominous forests transform into cedar rich towers of beauty. The cold and empty fields become golden warm landscapes. The towering and looming mountains are reborn into glorious benevolent kings of the sky. This is the power of the Light. When the Light shines into our lives, all that we once perceived as negative can be seen as opportunities for growth and blessings. Our confusion gives way to understanding. Our doubt dissolves and becomes certainty. Our hate is transformed into love. 

“Darkness cannot exist in the presence of the Light.”

Rav Berg would often say, “Darkness cannot exist in the presence of the Light. When you turn on a light in a darkened room, the darkness goes away. I don’t care where it goes, so long as it’s gone.” That always made me smile.

This week the sun rises in our lives and we are able to walk in light instead of in darkness. If we try and are open to it, we can move through the world with more faith and certainty than ever before. 

This week our portion is Tetzaveh. We find the Israelites taking the final steps in the building, and now preparing, of the Tabernacle. The Tabernacle is the housing made to receive the Light force of God. We learn about Moses’ brother, Aaron, who is inaugurated to his special duties with the Tabernacle. Aaron is fitted with special physical garments to conduct his duties and he is made pure. In addition, we also read about the significant removal of the nation of Amalek. The Zohar tells us that Amalek is a code for doubt. Through the mention of its removal, we are given the gift, this week, of removing fears and uncertainty from our lives. With the final preparations of the Tabernacle, the purification of Aaron, and more importantly the conquering of the nation of Amalek, we are able to take part this week in bringing to our lives some of the most powerful Light of the entire year. 

A Light that is able to remove all the darkness from our lives. Like a sun rising removing the shadows of the night, this week the Universe supports us in removing the shadows from our lives. The energy this week is so unique and so vital that it is said, out of all the portions of the Bible, this is the only portion that everyone, if they wish to, should hear. 

“We can move through the world with more faith and certainty than ever before.”

Often in life, we face moments in which we are afraid. Even though we may find ourselves lost in the dark forests of life, is it not true the sun still shines on the other side of the world? Is it not true that in moments of challenges there is a hidden blessing and opportunity? Even though we may stumble through darkness, we can remember that the sun indeed will rise again showing us the way. Life is not always easy, but there are solutions and ways to bring that needed Light into our world. Like the Tabernacle that houses the Light, if we try a little, this week, we can too, make the final preparations on our Tabernacle within. Like Aaron, we too, become purified allowing for our hearts to be free to love, give, and be holy.

This week, with the Tabernacle and Aaron, we make these final steps in revealing our new hearts. Hearts that are able to love without hesitation. Hearts that are able to give without calculation. Hearts that fear nothing, and give love to ourselves, our fellow man, our enemies, and our Creator. For where there is light, darkness cannot exist. 

In your meditation this week, close your eyes and visualize yourself standing before the morning horizon. Take a deep breath, and begin to see the sun slowly lift into the sky. You can feel the warmth building on your face and over your body. With each moment, all the dark corners of the land illuminate. The paths of the earth, once not walkable, illuminate and beckon us to finally walk them. Allow this Light to remove every fear and doubt throughout your entire core. Allow the Light to fill the totality of your heart, and feel love flow through it. Allow this great Light of the Creator, to embolden you into a life of fearlessness. As poet Maya Angelou once wrote, “For what could stand against me, since one person, with God, constitutes the majority?” 

May the Light of the Creator, once and for all, remove the fear and doubt that prevent us from loving each other fully with our entire and complete hearts. 

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