The Paradox of Desire

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Ten Luminous Emanations

The Paradox of Desire

Publicado: Outubro 4, 2018
Originalmente gravado: Novembro 25, 1986

Curtir 37 Comentários 1 Compartilhar

Destaques da Aula

  • The opposite polarities of the Light and the Vessel
  • The greater intensity of the Desire to Receive, the greater the revelation of Light
  • Endless energy: maintaining connection through constant Restriction 
  • The Desire to Receive in the 4 Kingdoms: Humanity, Animal, Vegetable, and Inanimate 
  • Retrieving, accessing and maintaining the Light through Proactive Restriction
  • Restriction is not a moral issue, but a circuit of energy
  • Limiting our Desire with our words
  • Fulfillment forever
  • Limitations of current technology
  • Rav Ashlag was a channel for Ten Luminous Emanations
  • The significance of Hebrew
  • One essential paradox
  • A seed contains everything that comes after it
  • Revealment through concealment: how Rav Ashlag revealed the Zohar 
  • A little Restriction allows us to access infinite information
  • Manifestation is a process and Restriction affects the time of the process

Descrição da Aula

In this lesson, Rav Berg explores the paradox of wanting everything while at the same time restricting that desire is what gives us access to unlimited potential. The kabbalistic tool of Restriction is the essential paradox that will allow human consciousness to access information beyond even what the most advanced technology promises. 

This lesson continues in Ten Luminous Emanations, Vol. 2, Inner Reflection, Chapter 8, Paragraph 87b and was originally released on VHS as TLE #2 & 3a and on audio cassette as TLE #86b & 87.

Sobre este Curso

In 1932, the founder of the Kabbalah Centre, Rav Yehuda Ashlag began work on what would become one of the most seminal and important kabbalistic texts of all time - The Study of the Ten Luminous Emanations (Talmud Eser Sefirot). With his momentous revelation, Rav Ashlag pierced the veil that concealed the mysteries found in the writings of Rav Isaac Luria, secrets of life that have eluded mankind since the dawn of time. Now, in one of the most advanced courses offered by The Kabbalah Centre, Rav Berg’s classes on Ten Luminous Emanations are available to all who have a desire to learn. All those who long for truth can now join some of the greatest sages to ever walk the face of the earth in a journey to understand the very foundation of our existence. Starting in the mid-1980s through 1997, Rav Berg taught an early morning class on Kabbalah Centre founder Rav Ashlag's foundational text The Ten Luminous Emanations. A small group of students gathered before dawn to delve into some of the deepest secrets of Kabbalah. For many years, these lessons were only available in VHS and audio cassette formats. Newly remastered and released online for the first time, we invite you to join Rav Berg as he reveals how the physical and spiritual worlds came into being, how we can understand the source of our soul, and how we can achieve unity with the Creator.

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