Miketz: Choosing the Path of the Kabbalist
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Miketz: Choosing the Path of the Kabbalist

Publicado: Dezembro 19, 2023
Originalmente gravado: Dezembro 16, 2023

Curtir 34 Comentários 2 Compartilhar

Destaques da Aula

  • Being awakened to hear direct messages from the Light and angels
  • Feeling the pain of the messages we may be missing
  • Recommended reading: Zohar Shemot, verse 263
  • Talmud story of Adam and Eve and kabbalist The Maharal's interpretation: believing they caused the diminishing light in winter
  • Connecting to a 16 day cycle:
    • Eight days of fasting and eight days of joy
    • Chanukah: connects us to the energy of stopping the Light from diminishing
    • Christmas to New Years Day: connects us to the eight days of joy 
  • Choosing the path of the kabbalist: finding darkness and transforming it into Light

Descrição da Aula

A story in the Talmud talks about Adam and Eve thinking that because they had fallen, they had caused the diminishment of the sun as the winter days became shorter, and that eventually there would be only physical and spiritual darkness left in the world. Adam fasted and prayed for eight days to change the trajectory of this fate, and then celebrated in joy for eight days after the solstice, when the days became longer once again. 

Join Michael as he explains how this story connects us to Chanukah and the unity of all people. We learn what it means to be on the path of the kabbalist and how choosing this as our job can bring joy and blessings to the entire world. 

Sobre este Curso

Nós podemos aproveitar a energia de Miketz para ver como os desafios que podemos estar enfrentando são, na verdade, milagres. Quando mudamos nossa percepção para enxergar a perfeição tanto nas nossas bênçãos quanto nas nossas dificuldades, começamos a enxergar a figura completa das nossas vidas.

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