The Essence of Shabbat

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A Alegria do Shabat

The Essence of Shabbat

Publicado: Março 22, 2018
Originalmente gravado: Junho 17, 2017

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Destaques da Aula

  • The source of all life is the Creator
  • First meal is the Field of the Apples, Malchut (physical world)
  • Second meal is Atika, the perfected form
  • Receiving from the level of Atika means getting mercy and seeing mercy all the time
  • Third meal is Zeir Anpin (certainty and consciousness)
  • The purpose of life is unifying Zeir Anpin and Malchut
  • The best time to do third meal is the last two hours before Shabbat ends
  • Judgment refers to the concept of not earning what we have
  • Doubts reside in the mind (the war of thoughts)
  • Lack awakens desire
  • Increasing our desire to be part of the assembly of the Angels
  • Yedid Nefesh is all about yearning the Light in our lives
  • Strengthening the desire to connect to the Light overpowers the negativity
  • The whole concept of Manah is about consciousness, trust and certainty
  • The restriction of Shabbat is to trust, having no worries, and staying in ourselves
  • The highest point of Shabbat to connect to certainty is the Third Meal during Kiddush which speaks about the Manah

Descrição da Aula

The second meal of Shabbat, Saturday morning represents the right column energy, mercy, when the Sun shines to begin a new day. In this lesson, Yosef Yeshurun explains that in a regular day, study, restriction and discipline are needed to access the wisdom that resides within each one of us; however, on the second and third meals of Shabbat we have the ability to connect to the energy of certainty and inner wisdom. 

Sobre este Curso

Toda sexta-feira a noite nós recebemos o Shabat em nossas vidas. É comumente feito referência como "Rainha Shabat" ou "Novia Shabat". Esse período representa o casamento entre a Luz e nossos recipientes. Nesse curso, aprenda sobre as muitas conexões espirituais e orações poderosas do Shabat, e eleve sua experiência semanal do Shabat.

Instrutores dos Cursos
