Emor: The True Meaning of Healing

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Aula de Zohar com Eitan Yardeni

Emor: The True Meaning of Healing

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Publicado: Abril 27, 2018
Originalmente gravado: Abril 23, 2018

Curtir 6 Comentários Compartilhar

Destaques da Aula

  • A healer is the one who brings harmony between the Soul and the body
  • When the force of separation is so strongly manifested, the Soul cannot express itself in the life of a person
  • The energy of the portion Emor helps us eliminate the space between our Soul and our body
  • Husband and wife represent the polarity within ourselves
  • Seeking peace and harmony by accepting our reality and all our feelings
  • Judgment creates more negativity in our lives
  • Feeling annoyed and stressed are the result not seeing or feeling the Light
  • Being at peace means being aligned with our Soul which removes death energy
  • Logic and intellect are the body consciousness
  • Accepting our reality with simplicity and love and without calculating or trying to understand it
  • Our Soul loves our mistakes because they represent additional light in our life
  • The Light is always everywhere but it is concealed
  • Knowing that the Light always wants the best for us

Descrição da Aula

The portion Emor is about removing the space between our physical reality and the infinite energy of love, bringing oneness and healing to cleanse all forms of negativity. Eitan explains that the spiritual work is shifting our intellectual logic into a simple and loving acceptance of all the situations we experience, as opportunities to align ourselves with the DNA of our Soul.

Sobre este Curso

Written 2,000 years ago by Rav Shimon Bar Yochai, the Zohar explains all of the secrets of the Bible, the Universe and every aspect of life. The Zohar class is a weekly journey to understand the energy and challenges that will confront us during the week and how we can elevate our consciousness to prevent chaos from occurring in our lives.

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