Beha’alotcha: The Blessing in Falling

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Beha’alotcha: The Blessing in Falling

Publicado: Junho 9, 2020
Originalmente gravado: Junho 6, 2020

Curtir 7 Comentários Compartilhar

Destaques da Aula

  • The verse "Vayehi Binso'a Ha'aron"
    • Reciting this every time we open the Arc and when connecting to the tool of the mikveh
    • The Arc was traveling represents a revelation of Light
    • Kuma Hashem: The Light will rise and the klipot will fly away
    • Two reversed letter nuns at the beginning and end of the verse: protection from nefila, falling
  • Dots which only appear in ten places of the Torah, appear over the word rekocha, far away
  • Falling is a part of life and a test of this world
  • Two types of falling:
    • Recognizing our momentary separation from the Light as an opportunity for growth
    • Letting our reactive system take over and going further down 
  • Kel Na Rafa Na La: The blessing of healing revealed from the fall of Miriam and Aaron


Descrição da Aula

Join Eitan as he shares how the portion of Beha'alotcha can give us the strength, tools and consciousness we need to reconnect, spiritually elevate and see the blessing when we fall.

Sobre este Curso

No matter the expanse of a dark room, even the smallest of lights can illuminate the farthest corners. In our lives, we too can have that major impact on our surroundings. This week look at all the ways you are bringing Light into the world, from your family and friends to your community and workplace. Use the energy available to spread your kindness, sharing, and impact further than you’ve done before.

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