Bamidbar: Codes for Traveling Through Life

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Consciência do Shabat

Bamidbar: Codes for Traveling Through Life

Publicado: Maio 23, 2018
Originalmente gravado: Maio 19, 2018

Curtir 18 Comentários Compartilhar

Destaques da Aula

  • Our process through the Five Books of Moses
  • 42 stations of life
  • Counting people qualitatively
  • The High Priest: a conduit for the Light of the Creator reaching the earth
  • Asking for a righteous spark of soul to enter us
  • Flags: representing cosmic order for living and dwelling upon the earth
  • The color of the flags and the breastplate of the high priest
  • Receiving the codes and tools for fighting the Opponent
  • Expanding our vessel for Shavuot


Descrição da Aula

Join Karen as she explains how connecting with the portion of Bamidbar can give us codes for expanding our vessel as we travel through life, and assist us in achieving our maximum spiritual enlightenment.

Sobre este Curso

This week’s energy of Bamidbar pushes us to face our Opponent – the force that challenges us – to understand how it operates in our lives. Only through this understanding, and the spiritual work and change it enables for each of us, can we bring ourselves inner peace. When we have a force to push us, we can grow to reach our highest selves. Seek that force out this week, embrace it, and see how it only exists to drive you to become better.

Instrutores dos Cursos
