Masei: Awakening a Greater Connection to the Ana beKo'ach

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Masei: Awakening a Greater Connection to the Ana beKo'ach

Publicado: Agosto 8, 2016
Originalmente gravado: Agosto 5, 2016

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Destaques da Aula

  • The Tetragrammaton combination for the month of Av gives us strength of certainty to be in a situation that others might consider challenging or darkness
  • Gaining the sparks of each of the 42 Letters and breaking through to our soul’s next level
  • Meditations of the Ari: awakening a greater connection to the Ana beKo'ach
    • Envisioning our head as a resting place for the 42 Letters
    • Elevating out of the world of Assiyah and entering into the world of Yetzirah
    • Encircling the first two letters of the line of the day around our face, the middle two letters around our feet and flying up with the last two letters
    • Meditating on elevating others with us 
    • Wherever our mind is, we are there

Descrição da Aula

In this lesson on the portion of Masei, Michael shares powerful teachings of the Ari for awakening a deep connection with the Ana beKo'ach, the powerful kabbalistic prayer also known as the 42 Names of God. With the use of this prayer and newfound meditations, Michael reveals how we can elevate our soul to its highest potential.

To learn more on the prayer, Ana BeKo'ach, watch Prayer of the Kabbalist.

Sobre este Curso

Your ultimate self, the ‘perfected’ version of you, already exists. What if you could meet them? This week, we’re supported to catch a glimpse of our soul’s unique purpose in the world and what point we’re at on our big picture spiritual journey. We can use the energy of Matot-Masei to gain support and guidance from our own higher selves to propel us forward, no matter where we’re at in our path to growth.

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