Noach: One Mitzvah and One Averah
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Vá ainda mais fundo na sabedoria da Kabbalah com orientação personalizada e leituras de mapas.

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Orientação Pessoal - Serviços do Kabbalah Centre

Sessões personalizadas individuais com um instrutor para aprofundar em uma área que lhe interessa ou oferecer suporte onde você mais precisa. As reuniões abrangem desde relacionamentos, tikkun e estudo profundo do Zohar, todas personalizados especialmente para você.

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Noach: One Mitzvah and One Averah

Publicado: Novembro 20, 2013
Originalmente gravado: Outubro 21, 2009

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Destaques da Aula

  • Our purpose is to achieve dvekut (cleaving) to the Creator
  • The seed of the Redemption
  • The work of Rav Ashlag: Reveal new Light, reveal new understanding, create a new framework for humanity
  • The clarity of language
  • The International Understanding/Religion: There is one mitzvah (action to do to connect to the Light), bringing good to others and one averah (action to restrict) the Desire to Receive for the Self Alone and taking pleasure for ourselves
  • Torato shel Mashiach: the wisdom revealed at the time of Mashiach
  • Financial and spiritual equality
  • Creating strong bodies and then strong souls
  • Accepting this as our work
  • Everything we are working towards was revealed once

Descrição da Aula

The portion of Noach contains powerful lessons about how when unity exists, the Light that can be revealed among people can bring the Final Redemption and the end of pain, suffering and death to the world. Join Michael as he reveals  Rav Ashlag's revelations on the most important aspect of learning Kabbalah and the new system of International Understanding or Religion that will have the ability to manifest the Final Redemption.

Sobre este Curso

Junte-se ao Michael Berg, codiretor do Kabbalah Centre, enquanto ele transmite ensinamentos dos maiores kabalistas da história nessas poderosas lições sobre as dádivas e a energia que cada semana nos apresenta.

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