Yehuda Kutnovsky

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Sostegno personale - Servizi del Kabbalah Centre

Sessioni personalizzate one-to-one con un insegnante per approfondire un’area che ti interessa o avere aiuto dove hai più bisogno. Gli incontri spaziano dalle relazioni al tikkun, allo studio profondo dello Zohar, tutti personalizzati appositamente per te.

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Yehuda Kutnovsky

Though he was born in Chicago, Yehuda has lived in several different countries and spent most of his youth in Tel Aviv, Israel. As his parents are both Kabbalah Centre teachers who have taught at Centres across the globe, Yehuda grew up learning the wisdom while experiencing many communities around the world. He became more involved with the Centre around the age of 18 when he began to see the truth behind the wisdom – seeing that Kabbalah authentically understands the struggles of life and offers real tools to help us deal with them drew him in. In 2020, at the age of 21, Yehuda became a chevre with the Centre and in 2023 is moving into his new role as a teacher.

Yehuda believes that living the life of a spiritual person allows room for true growth and fulfillment, especially when hard times come up. He sees Kabbalah as a priceless resource that shows us how to best deal with challenges. He is driven to assist others on their spiritual journeys and hopes to help change as many lives as possible for the better. He envisions a world where the concept of “love your neighbor as yourself” is practiced by every single person in the world. As he begins his own new spiritual journey as a teacher, Yehuda will focus on instructing teens and preteens.

Yehuda lives in New York City and teaches at the New York Centre, where he is also currently the Media Manager for all New York Centre media.

Yehuda's Prossimi Eventi e Lezioni

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